3 June 2024, Monday, 9:22
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Estonia Passes Law Allowing To Use Russian Assets

Estonia Passes Law Allowing To Use Russian Assets

They are planning to transfer the assets to Ukraine.

The Riigikogu (unicameral parliament) of Estonia has passed a law that allows the transfer of frozen Russian assets to Ukraine as a “damage deposit”.

65 members of parliament voted for the adoption of the law, three were against.

The new legislation allows the use of assets of individuals and companies that "contributed to the illegal activities of Russia" and therefore fell under sanctions, according to a statement on the parliament's website.

"Compensation for the damage caused by them (Russia. — Note) in the course of hostilities, the damage should not fall on the shoulders of Ukraine and its allies. Russia is responsible for the damage caused, and it should bear this responsibility,” Chairman of the Constitutional Committee of the Riigikogu Hendrik Johannes Terras said.

The decision to seize assets as an "advance payment for damages" will be taken by the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the framework of administrative proceedings. The fact of damage caused by the owner of the property must be proved, the Riigikogu stressed.

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