15 June 2024, Saturday, 23:01
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Mistrust Growing Within Putin's Politburo

Mistrust Growing Within Putin's Politburo

This is evidenced by Patrushev’s resignation.

The restructuring of the Russian management vertical, arranged by Putin, testifies to several things:

The country's final transition to military “communism” (total militarization of the economy and restructuring of army supply systems) to provide resources for the “endless war”.

Redistribution of functional influence between traditional clans. A sharp reduction in the number of influential members of the informal near-Putin “Politburo 2.0”.

Solving the eternal task of curbing army corruption (bringing down the Shoigu group).

The gradual squeezing out of the “palace ambitions” of Patrushev’s group to the periphery, which, by the way, directly speaks to the growing distrust within the Putin vertical.

Conclusion: Russia will completely isolate itself and will try to scale up the war, expand its formats, while at the same time reconfiguring the economy to function in acutely scarce formats, which are somehow capable of ensuring a sharp increase in the military component. In any case, there is no possibility that Russia will return to adequate participation in global processes, and therefore any negotiation formats are impossible.

Mykhaylo Podolyak, Telegram

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