27 September 2024, Friday, 5:24
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Mike Pompeo Calls On Belarusian Authorities To Let Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz Into Country

Mike Pompeo Calls On Belarusian Authorities To Let Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz Into Country

Minsk's actions run counter to the principle of freedom of religion.

The Belarusian authorities should reconsider the decision to ban the head of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) in the country, Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, from entering their territory, Head of US Department of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday, Interfax reports.

“More than 40 days have passed since the Belarusian authorities did not allow their fellow citizen Archbishop Kondrusiewicz to enter the country. (...) Such actions are unfair and run counter to the principle of freedom of religion,” he said in the statement.

Pompeo stressed that he calls on the Belarusian authorities “to restore justice and allow the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Belarus to return to his country”.

In early September, Pompeo already made a similar appeal to Minsk.

As reported, Metropolitan of Minsk and Mahiliou, chairman of the Conference of Catholic Bishops in Belarus Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz was denied entry to the Republic of Belarus from Poland without explanation. Kondrusiewicz is a citizen of Belarus.

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