27 September 2024, Friday, 5:09
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Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz: Let's Build a New Happy Belarus With You, Maria!

Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz: Let's Build a New Happy Belarus With You, Maria!

The archbishop's heartfelt speech at the Budslau festival.

Several thousand believers gathered at the Budslau festival on July 2.

The evening service for the pilgrims was led by Archbishop Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz, catholic.by reported.

"Today, at the foot of the Patroness of Belarus, Mother of God of Budslau, we ask for Her care for the Church in our country, for ourselves and our homeland, which is experiencing a difficult time of pandemic coronavirus and socio-political crisis. A fire in the Budslau sanctuary was unexpectedly added to them," Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz said and reminded the audience that God calls people to trust in Him and His love.

The archbishop concluded his sermon with a prayer appeal:

"With you, Mary, let us go into the new tomorrow! Together with you, we will rebuild the Budslau shrine dedicated to you! We will build a new happy Belarus with You!"

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