27 September 2024, Friday, 20:23
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'Samara Doesn't Sleep For Three Days': Wives Of Hundreds Of Russians Killed in Makiivka Hold Rally

'Samara Doesn't Sleep For Three Days': Wives Of Hundreds Of Russians Killed in Makiivka Hold Rally

During the rally there was a significant incident.

Russian Samara held a rally yesterday in memory of the hundreds of dead Russians in Makiivka (Donetsk Oblast). The Russian command used them as a cannon fodder after they were mobilized and later killed by the AFU's HIMARS.

A video from the rally appeared in social networks. There was a remarkable detail.

A fragment of the video is published by the telegram channel Ukraine 365.

The wife of the commander of the 2nd Guards Army of the Russian Armed Forces, Ekaterina Kolotovkina called for a continued war and the invasion of Ukraine, and stated the need to send more mobilized in the war zone rather than stopping the aimless deaths of Russian soldiers.

"I can not sleep for three days; Samara can not sleep for three days," she said.

The Russian commander's wife spoke before relatives of the dead in an expensive fur coat and declared that "the whole West has united to destroy our children," and confessed how she asked her husband to "avenge the tears of widows and mothers."

"To put it simply, she called for more of the same untrained random Russian citizens to be sent a thousand kilometers away to their senseless deaths. Kolotovkina said nothing about why all this massacre is needed at all, for what purpose the residents of Samara need to go and die in Makiivka," the commentary to the video says.

Moreover, the network promptly found a photo of Kolotovkina. Former Russian Prime Minister Medvedev has previously presented her with an award and a bouquet of flowers.

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