28 September 2024, Saturday, 0:19
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Conscripts Join Ranks Of Belarusian Army

Conscripts Join Ranks Of Belarusian Army

About 60,000 young men will be called to the draft commissions.

Belarusian draft commissions started sending conscripts to compulsory military service. According to the Belarusian Ministry of Defence, about 1,000 conscripts joined the ranks of the army on the first day: the Special Operations Forces, the 72nd Training Center and the Minsk Military Commandant's Office.

In total, about 10,000 people are being called up for military service this autumn. About 200 more people will start part-time service.

“About 60,000 young men are to be called up to draft commissions in the autumn of this year,” the MoD added.

The dispatch of reinforcements to the Armed Forces of Belarus, which began today, will last until November 10, and to other troops and military formations – until November 30.

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