27 September 2024, Friday, 4:22
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Anne Applebaum: Ukraine's Victory Will Be A Blow To Minsk Regime

Anne Applebaum: Ukraine's Victory Will Be A Blow To Minsk Regime

The Belarusian people deserve better.

The Pulitzer Prize winner, famous American writer Anne Applebaum, in an interview with the Belsat TV channel, explained why she considers Belarus to be part of Europe:

“The way the war ends will have a big impact on Belarus. Ukraine's victory will be a serious blow to the regime in Minsk. Obviously, the change in the nature of the Russian regime will also change Belarus. Now Belarus is completely dependent on Russia in all respects. I don't need to explain this to you. I hope that the processes that this war has initiated will eventually change Belarus as well.

Belarus is a European country. It had every chance to become prosperous. There are very talented and educated people there, most of them very peacefully minded. The country has no military ambitions of its own. There is no reason for Belarus to remain one of the most terrible, cruel regimes on the continent. I believe that the Belarusian people deserve better.”

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