29 September 2024, Sunday, 11:20
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Ukrainian Partisans Infiltrate FSB Office In Syzran

Ukrainian Partisans Infiltrate FSB Office In Syzran

What did they manage to find out?

Agents of the military movement of Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars “Atesh” continue to reconnoiter the objects of the Russian occupiers, including on the territory of the Russian Federation. This time, the partisans' attention was drawn to the FSB office in Syzran, which is focused on identifying those who disagree with Russian policy and aggression against Ukraine.

The information collected will help to protect the Atesh agents operating in Russia. Details were given on the movement's Telegram channel.

An agent from among the FSB employees provided information about the FSB’s activities in Syzran to Atesh.

“They are now focused on identifying and suppressing those who disagree with the regime, and are actively fighting “extremism”. Particular attention is paid to cybersecurity and monitoring social networks and the media. By reconnoitering such objects and understanding the specifics of their work, we can provide reliable protection for our agents,” noted Atesh.

They also showed several photos taken by an agent of the movement at the reconnoitered object.

“We remind everyone who works with us or wants to join us: before sending messages, check the authenticity of the account. Representatives of the Russian Federation structures create fake pages and pretend to be us. Join our movement, only together can we control the criminal regime in the territory,” Atesh called.

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