29 September 2024, Sunday, 18:25
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‘Putin Will Definitely Not Die A Natural Death’

‘Putin Will Definitely Not Die A Natural Death’

A military expert told when the head of the Russian Federation will be removed.

A military expert, a retired colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Roman Svitan assured that Putin will not die a natural death: he will be eliminated by those outraged that he did not win the war. “And when will Putin not be able to fight at all?” a Fabryka Novyn journalist asked Roman Svitan.

The answer of the military expert was quite unexpected: “When he dies. He will definitely not die a natural death, that’s for sure.”

An officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said who will eliminate Putin: “If Putin is killed, he will not be killed for starting the war, but he will be killed for not winning it. As soon as there is an understanding of the processes that Putin is losing, and there are no options to win the war, then he will simply be removed by his own people — those who have serious investments in the Russian economy, that is, Russian businessmen and oligarchs. True, they will already have Chinese and Israeli passports in their pockets. That will be their task.” Then the military expert explained an important point: “If we now, God forbid, stop the military actions, go for all sorts of truces and freezes, if we do this, then Putin will recover in six months and then continue, but if we do not allow this to happen, that is, we will wear him out all winter, then in principle he will have nothing to fight with next year (he has personnel, but there will be no equipment or ammunition).”

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