Lelchytsy Woman Attacks Traffic Cop To Save Her Friend
15- 16.01.2025, 15:22
- 11,666

She faces up to seven years in prison.
In Lelchytsy, a woman hit a traffic cop who was trying to detain her friend. A criminal case was opened against her under the article on violence against a security officer, the police said.
On January 11, traffic cops noticed pedestrians on the road — a man and a woman who were walking in the dark without reflective elements. While a report was being drawn up on them, the 45-year-old woman interfered with the work of the inspectors, ignored the comments and even pushed one of the traffic cops away, trying to leave.
At this time, a 42-year-old friend of the violators was filming what was happening on her phone, despite the demand to stop video recording. The traffic cop announced that she was detained and demanded that she get into the service car.
“At first she did not react at all, and then categorically refused to obey the lawful demands of the officers, and was detained with the use of physical force,” the police said.
But then the offender intervened again, “shouting and swearing, she used violence against one of the officers, hitting him several times.” The traffic police detained her too.
As a result, a protocol for disobedience was drawn up against the woman who was filming, and a criminal case was opened against the one who tried to fight off her friend under Article 364 of the Criminal Code (Violence or threat of violence against a law enforcement officer in the performance of their official duties). The woman has been arrested and faces up to seven years in prison.