11 февраля 2025, вторник, 15:31
Сим сим,
Хартия 97!
Комментарии 4
+16 +
Вместе с Путиным!, 10:10, 27.06

Злобный шоловей!
Понесёт наказание за разжигание войны!

+17 +
а нас то за что, 10:48, 27.06

Геббельс наверно офигевает в аду : один из лучших учеников некто Шапиро.

+2 +
Gabbahey, 12:47, 27.06

Solovyov is a cynical clown asking a question that he knows the answer to which is MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction. This is why rational countries don't use Nukes strategically or tactically.

However the dog and pony show of asking let's him appear like a tough alpha male (and Putin does this too) to his devoted followers.

Someone should remind him and Putin that using Nukes is like the Preacher Jim Jones forcing his followers in "Jonestown" Guyana to drink Kool Aid drink with cyanide mixed in. (Over 900 died)

Same mentality: "if we can't win in our twisted ideology and control then no one should survive".

He, Putin and Jim Jones are all psychopathic cowards.

+1 +
Соловья жаба душит, 13:31, 27.06

отобрали все нажитое непосильным трудом и не отомстили. Еще и посадят,потерпи немного,дурачек,,,

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