20 October 2024, Sunday, 23:23
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Belarusian regime to become closer to Syria


Issues on extension bilateral Belarus-Syria relations were discussed during the visit of Belarusian delegation, heading by Viktar Haisyanok, deputy foreign minister of Belarus, to Syria, Interfax learnt from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus.

Questions on cooperation on the level of international organisations, as well as on ooperation in education, culture and science were also discussed, the ministry said.

The parties exchanged their opinions on topical problems on international agenda: situations in Lebanon and Iraq, peaceful settlement on the Middle East, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

The head of the Syrian foreign policy agency confirmed his readiness to pay a visit to Belarus, the ministry noted.

In the frames of the visit V. Haisyanok met with Syrian Minister of Economy and Trade Amer Housni Lutfi who is a chairman of the Syrian part of the joint Belarusian-Syrian commission for trade, economic and technical cooperation.

The sides discussed the implementation of the agreements signed in Minsk this February, the ministry said.

V. Haisyanok also visited the Syrian city of Aleppo where he had talks with the Aleppo Governor, the President of the Aleppo Chamber of Commerce and took part in the official opening ceremony of the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Belarus, the MFA said.

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