4 June 2024, Tuesday, 16:00
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Aleh Ihnatsenka: Lukashenka was scandalised at absence of Sheiman during a blast near stele


Aleh Ihnatsenka, who worked as a head of department of control service of Lukashenka, commented on dismissal of Sheiman and Nyavyhlas. He thinks the night blast in Minsk is only a pretext for a dismissal, the real reason is different.

“The fact that Viktar Sheiman has taken the main posts in the state over 14 years proves he had chosen a right way of influence on Lukashenka. He trusted Sheiman. It was seen well when Sheiman was appointed Prosecutor General. It was needed to smother scandal round Paulichenka’s case, and Sheiman, who is not a lawyer, was appointed Prosecutor General. When the events calmed down, he was returned to the Security Council again,” Aleh Ihnatsenka told in an interview to Radio Svaboda.

According to him, Sheiman informed Lukashenka well.

“I’d rather say he told him what he considered Lukashenka should know. Lukashenka didn’t received full information but only the data, favourable for Sheiman, so he was able to influence the head of state. As I understand, Lukashenka receives more information from his elder son now. It is far broader. I also think Lukashenka was scandalised at absence of Sheiman during a blast near the stele. One may conclude it was the last drop in their friendship,” former Lukashenka’s subordinate believes.

Ihnatsenka thinks Nyavyhlas is obedient to Sheiman, so, the head of Administration Henadz Nyavyhlas was dismissed together with Sheiman.

“The main reason is that Nyavyhlas gained the position of the head of the Presidential Administration by favour of Sheiman. Nyavyhlas served in border army, where he was a commander of a special purpose squad. He fulfilled rather delicate orders of Sheiman. Nyavyhlas is a decorative figure, who has never played any significant roles. Lukashenka has no responsibility to Nyavyhlas. He gained his position thanks to Sheiman. So one can suppose that Lukashenka decided to change their tandem, but in fact it is just one person. Lukashenka thinks Nyavyhlas fulfils all Sheiman’s orders and obeys him,” Aleh Ihnatsenka explains dismissal of Nyavyhlas.

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