2 June 2024, Sunday, 20:27
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Sannikov: “I’ve heard completely different thing from Lithuanian president”


The leader of “European Belarus” does not exclude that the news item of Reuters that Dalia Grybauskaitė allegedly wished victory to Lukashenka, could be misinformation.

“I have net her twice this year. Other words were said, and the focus of the conversation was for democratic changes, both in the region and in Belarus. And here in this one speech she allegedly supports Lukashenka and at the same time attacks Russia. It is not what I have heard from president Grybauskaitė both in Vilnius and here in Minsk during our meetings,” stated the presidential candidate in Belarus Andrei Sannikov in an interview to Radio Svaboda.

As said by the politician, as far as he knows, “there are lobbying groups in Europe, they are doing their work, and it is not excluded that this news item is misinformation.”

“During the meeting is Minsk Dalia Grybauskaitė said that there are no elections in Belarus. Political struggle is going on in Belarus, we are fighting for changing the political power here. I am sure we will win, and to hear such things from the lips of the president of democratic Lithuania is strange, to put it mildly,” Sannikov said.

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