11 March 2025, Tuesday, 11:29
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Why don’t war veterans picket Lukashenka’s administration? (Video)

Why don’t war veterans picket Lukashenka’s administration? (Video)

As it is known, the Belarusian dictator praised Adolf Hitler in an interview to German Handelsblatt.

A picket, authorized by the Minsk city executive committee, was held yesterday near the headquarters of the newspaper “Narodnaya Volya”. About 30 people were protesting against publication of an article “Nyabyshyna. The War” by Illya Kopyl. According to the protesters, what he writes about the events in Belarus during the Great patriotic War was false.

The action was orchestrated by the chairman of Minsk city branch of veterans' organization, Anatoly Adonyeu. Participants were holding posters with the words: “No to libel”, “Down with Nazism”, “No to history falsificators!”, “Syaredzich! We won't tolerate veterans' humiliation”, “We have won enemies -- we'll win libelers”.

Historians have different views on the events that took place 65 years ago. New information appears, archives become available, the events, described by Soviet historians are being revalued. This was mentioned by Illya Kopyl in his book.

However, one thing remains obvious and unconditional for everyone – the Nazi regime led by Adolf Hitler was flagrant, atrocious, inhuman and it is condemned by the whole world. Belarusian ruler Alyaksandr Lukashenka is perhaps the only contemporary state leader who praised Adolf Hitler. It is strange why our war veterans, who came to picket “Narodnaya Volya” due to a historical article, don’t remember about this. If they don’t remember, the website charter97.org can remind and offer an audio recording of the statement, spread all over the country by the Belarusian radio.

Video - mishelbel

“The history of Germany is a copy of the history of Belarus. Germany was raised from ruins thanks to firm authority and not everything connected with that well-known figure Hitler was bad. German order evolved over the centuries and attained its peak under Hitler. This is perfectly in line with our understanding of a presidential republic and of the role of its president... Hitler formed Germany due to the strong presidential power... Germany rose thanks to this strong force, thanks to the fact that the whole nation united around its leader... The head of state is the president, his influence, his leading role is the main thing... The History of Germany teaches us this,” Lukashenka said in 1995.

It remains unclear why the Belarusian authorities try to manipulate war veterans. They hold pickets not far from Lukashenka’s administration. Their pickets are not banned, while opposition activists, who try to organize a picket in this district, are arrested immediately. So, there appears a question to veterans – who does really falsify the history today?

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