14 March 2025, Friday, 10:09
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"European Belarus" activists arrested during solidarity rally in Minsk


A rally of solidarity with political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka was held in Independence Avenue on May 16.

"European Belarus" activists held it near the main entrance to the Belarusian Agrarian Technical University, near "Maskouskaya" metro station. Several dozens of young people stood in a line along the avenue holding portraits of political prisoners. Passers-by were handed leaflets with information about the political prisoners and the results of the trial over them, "European Belarus" website informs.

After the rally finished, four its participants, Maxim Vinyarski, Alyaksandr Shumejka, Alyaksadra Andreeva and Zmitser Pleshchynski, were detained in "Kastrychnitskaya" metro station. They were detained for three hours and released without reports being drawn up.

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