20 December 2024, Friday, 10:52
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Andzelika Borys quits as head of Union of Poles in Belarus


“It was a surprise. Everyone is shocked by the decision,” UPB deputy head Andrzej Poczobut says.

Andzelika Borys, the head of independent Union of Poles in Belarus, announced on June 12 she has decided to resign from her post. This happened at a meeting of the organization’s activists.

Deputy head of the Union of Poles Andrzej Poczobut told “Nasha Niva” newspaper it came as a surprise for the organization members.

“Activists are going to ask Andzelika Borys not to leave the post,” Poczobut said.

The Council of the organization is to hold a sitting on Saturday June 19 in connection with the decision of Andzelika Borys, who explained it by important personal reasons. If Borys doesn’t change her mind, acting UPB head will be elected at the sitting.

Under the organization’s statute, an acting chairman will hold the office until the term of the predecessor expires, which makes 2.5 years in this case. The UPB doesn’t hurry to say who will be a successor.

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