2 June 2024, Sunday, 11:03
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Viktar Ivashkevich: “It’s time to for Belarusians to declare their position openly”

Viktar Ivashkevich: “It’s time to for Belarusians to declare their position openly”

On August 16 a rally will be held in Minsk with a demand of international investigation of the cases of the abducted.

It was told by the leader of Minsk city branch of the Belarusian Popular Front party Viktar Ivashkevich in an interview to charter97.org website.

- You have filed an application for holding a rally “We demand international investigation of the cases of the disappeared!” But previously rallies were held by the opposition without sending an application to Minsk city executive committee. So why is it necessary now?

- The application was filed for not just picketing to be held on August 16, but a march and a meeting, which is hard to hold without a special permission. If the authorities won’t sanction the rally for some reason, then this event would be held in its usual regime: people will gather on the street wit portraits of well-known people disappeared in Belarus. I hope that the authorities will display their reasonableness, the rally would be held peacefully, as Belarusian and foreign mass media re to observe it, as well as diplomats of the EU and the US. Improper conduct of the authorities would be publicized and would meet with an appropriate reaction in the world.

- And why opposition leaders have chosen such a route: from the Academy of Sciences to Liberty Square?

- The reason is that when applications were filed by the opposition for holding recent protest rallies (March 25 on Freedom Day, April 26, Chernobyl Way), the route starting from the Academy of Sciences was indicated. Minsk authorities sanctioned beginning of a demonstration in this place, and it gave a possibility for people to gather. Though they were prohibited to go further, we still should make efforts for the demonstration to be held in the centre of Minsk. As for the destination point, the General Prosecutor Office of Belarus is situated in Liberty Square, and one of our demands is for the prosecutor’s office to hold open and just investigation of the cases of the disappeared oppositionists.

- Do you believe that people will learn the truth about abductions of Viktar Hanchar, Yury Zakharanka, Zmitser Zavadski and Anatoly Krasouski?

- I am sure people will find out the truth. And if not due to the actions of the current authorities, but after the regime change in Belarus for sure. The truth is always to made manifest, and no one would be able to conceal the crimes committed. In order to hasten this time, people must take part in the rally on August 16.

- Some of your colleagues in the Belarusian Popular Front Party believe that Russia should not be trusted, that it is not sincere even in the issue of political abductions in Belarus, and despite of the fact that TV programs and articles incriminating Lukashenka have appeared, it won’t push for the truth thorough and thorough. And what is your opinion?

- No matter what the motives of the Russian authorities are, abductions and assassinations of politicians and a journalist in Belarus is an affair of Belarusians. We must bring up this issue and resolve it. It is another matter that a right time for involving international organizations in that. And this moment has come thanks to the position of Russia. We must use this position for the investigation of the cases of the disappeared to take place and take the international scale.

- What would you say to the people who are deciding: whether to take part in the rally on August 16?

- The time comes which is to decide whether changes in Belarus would happen. Everyone of us must declare one’s position openly, it’s time to have a say. The first step should be taken once. And there is a possibility to take the first step on August 16. Meanwhile the UN Security Council could consider the issue of the beginning of the international investigation of political abductions in Belarus, and demonstration of our position will affect adoption of a favourable decision.

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