2 June 2024, Sunday, 14:34
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Nikalai Khalezin: I have a very pragmatic position

Nikalai Khalezin: I have a very pragmatic position

Belarus is to become a normal European country. And not in one hundred years, but in five years.

The Head of Belarusian Free Theatre Nikalai Khalezin entered the initiative group of Andrei Sannikov.

- Was it your own decision to enter the initiative group of Andrei Sannikov, or you were suggested to do it?

- For me it is a self-evident step. We are friends for a decade and a half and I could not imagine some other decision.

I have been always dreaming that the country would be headed by a person of such caliber as Sannikov. And it is not a sentiment towards a friend, but a pragmatic position, time-tested by many years of reflections. Sannikov had always unreservedly supported presidential candidates from democratic powers: Domash, Hancharyk, Kazulin, Milinkevich, mobilizing all his contacts and resources. But at the last struggle stage of presidential elections all these candidates lacked understanding of the fact that this struggle is not for the highest position of the country but a struggle against dictatorship. It is not enough to be a politician in such a struggle, it is important to be an integral personality – strong willed, sequential, honest and uncompromising.

- Do you suppose that Sannikov possesses all the enumerated qualities?

- Yes, I am sure. He repeatedly proved that he is able to act deliberately, rigorously and sequentially. In the year of 1996, during the parliament crisis, he was the only representative of the Cabinet of Ministers who left the post of Foreign Minister having voiced his uncompromising position with regard to infinite lawlessness, organized by Lukashenka.

When Sannikov was beaten up by representatives of RNU who nearly killed him, he was not frightened and continued his activity. Arrests and imprisonments did not stop him.

Not once I watched how professionally he holds international negotiations, defending interests of Belarus, and what respect he wins among European and American politicians. In my view, today there are no politicians in the country, who would be so professionally prepared for the tasks which lay before Belarus today. We will have to reestablish relationship with all civilized world, as they were spoiled by nowadays authorities, and only an even-tempered, pragmatic and strong-willed person is able to cope with this task.

- You said about pragmatic position by evaluation of a presidential candidate. What does it mean in your understanding?

- In my view, pragmatism of a contemporary man in authority evaluation – it is a clear understanding of consensus between personal benefit and the social one. I will try to explain it on my own experience.

Three newspapers in which I had worked were closed down by the authorities in connection with political motives. I am questioning myself: whether Sannikov would close at least one newspaper? My answer is: no! Any Belarusian independent journalist knows about it.

Belarusian Free Theatre is compelled to work in underground conditions, at the same time being the most recognized Belarusian theatre group abroad. I am questioning myself: could this situation appear under Sannikov as president? My answer is – No! A person who is on friendly terms with a splendid opera diva Maria Guleghina, or whether a legendary American stage director Ellen Stewart could allow himself such a relation towards people of art.

If I being under the rule of Sannikov as President of Belarus would go into the street protesting against some of his political decisions, would I be beaten by special police squad? My answer is – no! Just because he can’t stand violence in any form.

I want Belarus to become a normal European country. And not in one hundred years, but in five years. I want my daughters would not leave the country to get a good education, but to get it in Belarus. Including and that is why I am choosing Sannikov.

That is my pragmatic position.

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