15 June 2024, Saturday, 11:12
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The collection of signatures for Andrei Sannikov began (Photo)

The collection of signatures for Andrei Sannikov began (Photo)

People not only sign actively, but speak that they are bored with the dictatorship.

The collection of signatures for presidential nomination of the leader of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Andrei Sannikov began today.

The first pickets for collection of signatures were placed in the most crowded places of Minsk and other cities of Belarus.

Andrei Sannikov participated in the picket near Yakub Kolas Square in Minsk.

“The first day has already shown that more than 100 thousand signatures will be collected. People are not afraid not only to sign but speak that they are bored with the dictatorship, and that they are awaiting changes, and that their hope for our victory appears. Many people ask, how they can help, how to participate”, -- Andrei Sannikov said.

The politician is sure that Belarusians will join the election campaign more actively.

“People are in a very good mood. They have a sincere willing to help. The talks added certainty that the majority of people are tired of the dictatorship power. They are fed up with boorishness, humiliation of Belarusians. One should note, that people do not have illusions, that some counting of voices will be conducted during the elections, and they asked how one can ensure victory if the Central Election Commission works only for the dictatorship. We spoke that solidarity is needed; one should defend one’s position and dignity more actively. Many people promised to tell their friends and acquaintances about the signatures collection and will ask them to support me. I am sure that Belarusians will join the election campaign more actively and will say their decisive NO to the dictator Lukashenka and his regime at the final stage”, - Andrei Sannikov is sure.

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