10 January 2025, Friday, 20:37
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Belarusians fighting for release of political prisoners (Photo, video)

Belarusians fighting for release of political prisoners (Photo, video)

It has been decided to hold rallies of solidarity with political prisoners until their final and unconditional release.

Another rally in support of political prisoners was held on October 24 on October Square in Minsk.

“No one except us would release the leaders of the nation from prison. In this way, step by step, we shall attain our goals. The main thing is not to be afraid to move forward and never to stop,” stated the coordinator of “European Belarus” Maxim Vinyarski, addressing the participants of the rally.

After these words Maxim Vinyarski was arrested. He was taken in a car by law-enforcers in plainclothes.

Several dozens of pro-democracy activists gathered on the square. Among them there were a former political prisoner Vasil Parfyankou and the mother of the former prisoner of conscience Mikita Likhavid.

Alena Likhavid told to journalists that even if one person would come to the square, it would be success. One of the chiefs of Minsk police, colonel Yauseeu (Yevseev) warned the woman about administrative liability for participation in the unsanctioned rally. Yauseeu also threatened to arrest Parfyankou when he attempted to make a speech.

A few hours before the rally in support of political prisoners on October Square in Minsk special services men started to assemble there. At about 4 p.m. several buses with riot policemen already stood on the square. There were lots of law enforcers in plainclothes on the square as well.

On the eve of the solidarity rally the Prosecutor’s office issued a warning to “European Belarus” coordinator stating that in case Maxim Vinyarski would come to the square he would be arrested. Deputy chief of the Main Police Directorate of Minsk city executive committee Ihar Yauseeu made a video address on the website of his institution, intimidating citizens who planned to participate in the rally, threatening by administrative even criminal responsibility.

Oppositional websites charter97.org, Belarusian partisan, Radio Svaboda had been blocked on the previous day.

The rally started, and in half an hour its participants disbanded, but “European Belarus” coordinator Yauhen Afnagel told to charter97.org website that people are going to gather on the square every day, demanding release of the political prisoners. Thus, the next rally of solidarity will be held on October Square on October 25 at 7 p.m.

We remind that political prisoners, including presidential candidates Andrei Sannikov and Mikola Statkevich, opposition leaders Zmitser Bandarenka and Zmitser Dashkevich and others are still kept in Belarusian prisons.

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