4 June 2024, Tuesday, 16:37
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Gazeta Wyborcza: Lukashenka using tortures

Gazeta Wyborcza: Lukashenka using tortures

One of the leading Polish newspapers published the front page article under this title about tortures in the KGB jail disclosed by Mikhalevich and an interview with the politician.

After the statement by ales Mikhalevich, it became clear why some of the freed prisoners looked so shocked after the release, refused to hold press conferences and deal with the press, “Nasha Niva” cites the Polish paper.

Does the Polish newspaper have the right to write that it is Lukashenka himself who uses tortures? Maybe it was abuse of power by responsible people, the paper asks and gives an answer: It’s hard to believe, but there all ground to suppose that investigation is controlled personally by the head of state.

Besides, Mikhalevich confirmed in that in the first hours of detention the presidential candidates were offered to read out statements condemning the protest action of December 19. It means that there is a big probability that the scenario of “riot” had been prepared beforehand.

Later, Lukashenka said addressing the political prisoners about “three questions and three answers” as a condition of their release. That’s how the opponents of the regime are pressed to give these three answers, one of which is ‘I agree to collaborate with the KGB and I will not create the opposition.’

The classic expression “this is a Lukashenka-style democracy” cannot be used any more. The authorities overstepped the border by starting to torture its opponents. Such actions fall within the strictest international norms, Gazeta Wyborcza concludes.

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