4 June 2024, Tuesday, 13:14
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Poland’s First Lady talked to Irina Khalip’s mother

Poland’s First Lady talked to Irina Khalip’s mother

Poland’s First Lady Anna Komorowska called Lucina Belzatskaya, mother of Belarusian journalist and Andrei Sannikov’s wife Irina Khalip.

“Anna Komorowska expressed her support; she asked if she can help us with anything. I said that it is a great help that Poland and the whole civilized world support us and take interest in what’s going on here. She also asked about Irina. I told her that Irina is a strong woman. Anna Komorowska knew everything about the conditions where Irina is kept, and everything about Danka (Irina Khalip’s and Andrei Sannikov’s son). She said that Irina’s actions and attitude show her strength.

Anna Komorowska asked me to pass her warm wishes to Andrei Sannikov. I had to tell her that I cannot say anything to him right now, but later I will,” Lucina Belzatskaya told Radio Svaboda.

According to Lucina Belzatskaya, she did not need an interpreter to talk with Anna Komorowska. “I was speaking Belarusian and using my Polish vocabulary. Anna Komorowska also used a lot of our words, we understood each other really well”.

On February 28, Anna Komorowska talked to Ales Mikhalevich’s wife Milana Mikhalevich and Nikolay Statkevich’s wife Marina Adamovich.

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