2 June 2024, Sunday, 14:05
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Anatol Lyabedzka: I have not signed any papers

Anatol Lyabedzka: I have not signed any papers

Anatol Lyabedzka has not signed any documents in return for his release from the KGB remand prison.

The leader of the United Civil Party announced that on April 7 before the session of the UCP National Committee.

Lyabedzka was released on his own recognizance on April 6 at about 10.30 p.m.

As the politician said, in the first days after his arrest investigators offered him to write “some letter of repentance” or to make a statement in state-run mass media, and he was offered a release from the KGB prison in exchange. As said by Lyabedzka, he answered that he would rather “bite off his right hand” than make such statements.

Lyabedzka does not plead guilty. “I have always said to investigators: do I look like a camel? They said no. So now the investigators are to go prove that I am not guilty, and that I’m not a camel [that two plus two isn’t five],” the politician said.

He has also informed that the day before he was released from the KGB jail, at the meeting with the investigator it turned out that the KGB does not have his passport. “That is why it is not known whether it was Anatol Lyabedzka who had been imprisoned in the KGB jail,” the UCP leader said.

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