21 September 2024, Saturday, 1:14
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Uladzimir Yaromenak may be put under preventive supervision

Uladzimir Yaromenak may be put under preventive supervision

The Pershamaiski district court will hold a trial on March 15 to hear a question on putting a former political prisoner under preventive supervision.

The trial begins at 2:00 PM, Viasna human rights centre informs.

On March 11, the Leninski district court of Minsk found Uladzimir Yaromenak guilty of violating article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of Belarus (organizing and participating in an unauthorized event) and sentenced him to 15 days in custody for taking part in a performance held near the Belarusian MFA headquarters on February 29. During the performance, young men threw toilet paper at the MFA building.

On February 22, the court of the Vitsebsk district sentenced the activist over article 17.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (disorderly conduct). Uladzimir Yaromenak was given three days in custody allegedly for swearing at road police officers, who stopped his car on February 21. He and other people were going to Vitsebsk to visit the trial over Syarhei Kavalenka.

Uladzimir Yaromenal was sentenced to 15 days for an action of solidarity on December 19, 2011, a years after the presidential election. The activist was also given 12 days in custody for an attempt to hand out national flags in Minsk on September 19.

On May 14, 2011, Uladzimir Yaromenak was sentenced to three years in prison for violating part 2 of article 293 of the Criminal Code (mass disorders). He served his sentence in penal colony “Vitba” near Vitsebsk. He was pardoned and released on August 11, 2011.

In compliance with article 196 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the activist was under a mild form of supervision after the release. Under article 80 of the Criminal Code, the third administrative punishment means that Uladzimir Yaromenak may be put on preventive supervision.

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