27 September 2024, Friday, 1:13
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First  trailer for Viva Bel@rus (Video)

The movie premiere was shown at the Cannes Film Market on May 22. As Radio Svaboda has learned from the Polish Documentary and Feature Film Studio ( WFDIF), the film already interested distributors from the Czech Republic.

The film shows the modern Belarus.

A young rock musician is called up for military service and his band is put on the blacklist. In the army, he began to keep a diary on the Internet describing bullying and conditions of his service. The diary turns into an open confrontation with the regime.

The film was shot in November and December 2011 in Poland. The trailer was shown at the Berlin Film Festival in spring 2012 that helped to demonstrate the movie in Cannes.

The script was written by Belarusian journalist and activist Franak Vyachorka and Krzysztof Lukaszewicz.

The festival and world premiere of the film are planned for September.

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