4 June 2024, Tuesday, 8:16
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The trial of Marholin and Vasilyeu was postponed until August 10

The trial of Marholin and Vasilyeu was postponed until August 10

The opposition insisted on calling the police authorities and member of the district election commission to the court.

Mr. Marholin, who is the opposition party’s deputy chairman, is seeking to gain access to the ballot in September’s parliamentary elections, while Mr. Vasilyew is a member of his nomination group and the head of the United Civil Party’s Barysaw city chapter. They were arrested in Barysaw, Minsk region, on August 4 while they were gathering ballot-access signatures. The pair were charged with staging an unsanctioned demonstration under Article 23.34 of the Civil Offenses Code. 

As a judge of the Barysaw District Court started hearing the case, Mr. Marholin called for the trial to be adjourned. The politician explained that he had complained to the central election commission about the arrest. "Apart from this, the police bosses who drew up the charge sheets and the policemen who arrested us failed to show up in court," Mr. Marholin said. 

The politician also asked the judge to summon witnesses and a representative of the district election commission to court. 

"The next court hearing is on Friday and if we are acquitted, we will be again collecting signatures on the streets on Saturday and Sunday. If we are found guilty, that will mean that in Belarus pro-government candidates enjoy preferential treatment in elections and one is banned from criticizing the government," Mr. Marholin said.

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