4 May 2024, Saturday, 18:26
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Stanislau Shushkevich: “Election” in Belarus is a joke (Video)


The first head of independent Belarus addressed the people of Belarus on occasion of the forthcoming “elections”.

Stanislau Shushkevich condemned the parties and organizations that run in the election and called a boycott the most logical and wise step, bchd.info reports.

“It's a joke that Belarus will have the election. It's not the election, because this gang of criminals – Yarmoshyna and Lazavik – in fact have no relation to the vote counting procedure. This is a duty of other services. They are just lying. They have reached the heights when they cannot be admitted to a circle of decent people and cannot visit civilized countries. These people, this scum of society, make a show they called the 'election'. They insulted voters, women and men. They should resign and ask decent people to do their work. But their  meanness wins and they will carry out an operation of the secret services to appoint the so called members of parliament.

We wanted to look in our party who want to run in the 'election'. We said if someone wanted to take part in the 'election', we would call the party convention, the central council and nominate candidates. But everyone asked with whom we were going to play these games. With meanness? We had no reasons to call the convention and nominate candidates.

Boycotting the election is a good thing. Unfortunately, there are people who didn't understand from the previous so called elections that no elections are possible here. When I receive letters from Lyaukovich and other people, who write they want to be nominated candidates, they are collecting signatures and talking to people, I'd like to recommend them to recall their previous steps and results. It will lead only to disputes with decent people by mean tools. I can repeat again that the boycott is very logical. We will not do the utmost, but we will behave in a decent manner and will not take part in this circus.

What can we observe? We think it's not the structure worth observing. It's like appointing observers for pickpockets to know who steals more. No observation is needed here. They've already stolen enough.

I have no intention to visit the so called 'election' and vote on September 23. I will have other things to do. I have enough work. I advise people to obey their conscience. Doing dishonest things, we support the dictatorship, support the person who holds the power illegally, who calls himself people’s representative and throws people into prison. Think how such people usually end up,” Stanislau Shushkevich says.

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