8 May 2024, Wednesday, 18:02
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Urgant about Lukashenka's claims to Courchevel and Vatican (Video)

Kaliningrad Oblast may seem too small for the Belarusian dictator's appetite.

The latest press conference of Lukashenka was discussed during the Vecherniy Urgant (Evening Urgant) show on Russia's Channel One.

“Lukashenka gave us two news this weekend. The first one is that MAZ and KAMAZ won't merge. At least, Lukashenka says he doesn't want it. It means we won't have KAMAMAZ company,” Ivan Urgant joked.

“KAMAZ general director had better not visit Belarus now,” co-host Alexander Oleynikov added.

Ivan Urgant didn't pass by Lukashenka's scandalous remarks about Kaliningrad.

“The second news: Besides that Lukashenka doesn't want to cooperate with Russia, he claims to its territory. He proposed, not demanded, but only proposed, which sound good already, to take Kaliningrad from Russia. He made this statement at a press conference for Russian journalists titled 'Neibourhood occupation 2013'. Here is a direct quote: 'I often say: give us Kaliningrad Oblast. We will plow every hectare, every acre. We will turn it into a prosperous land,” Urgant quuoted Lukashenka.

Alexander Oleynikov noted it was a “very good deal”.

“He made similar proposals to other states too. He proposed America to give him Los Angeles, you'll be surprised, to develop film industry there,” Oleynikov said.

“His other plans include France. There's a place called Courchevel. It's in the mountains. Lukashenka offered to give it to Belarus. He wants to level it and make a ski resort. Maybe it will attract people. He has a plan to take Munich from Germany and open a car plant there. It already has a name – BMW Belarusian Motorcar Works. But Lukashenka's main innovation project is to take Vatican from the Pope," Urgant noted.

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