10 May 2024, Friday, 7:48
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Statkievich thanked marathoners

Statkievich thanked marathoners

Former presidential candidate Mikalaj Statkievich is thankful to those, who went on a long distance run in T-shirts with his name.

“He read about that in newspapers and asks to thanks everyone. He said that there were name given in the newspaper, and that it was a very courageous and decent deed”, - the political prisoner’s wife Maryna Adamovich told Radio Svaboda.

Onn 28 September Kiryl Zhyvalovich, Jauhien Naporka, Maksim Dubouski and Andrej Vislovich were detained in Minsk at a jogging festival. They had the political prisoner’s pictures in their sports T-shirts and a writing “Sierabranka is for sport, Belarus and Statkievich”. All the four sportsmen were punished with large fines.

Among the news that Maryna Adamovich learnt from the husband over the phone, there was one on heating finally having been switched on in Mahilou prison.

“I was glad that heating was finally on and it is better for him in this sense. Although he still does not receive letters from relatives just as he did not before. He has not received anything since September. He is in the same situation described by Authukhovich”.

Mikalaj Statkievich is the only out of the former presidential candidates in 2010 elections, who still remains behind bars. Statkievich was sentenced to 6 years in prison.

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