4 June 2024, Tuesday, 16:55
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Visas to Turkey will be canceled on October 24

Visas to Turkey will be canceled on October 24

The House of Representatives plans to discuss passing the bill on ratifying the Belarusian-Turkish intergovernmental agreement on lifting visa requirements at the next session on 24 October.

The agreement will enable Belarus citizens to stay in Turkey for up to 30 days without visas as from the date of entry. Within one year Belarusians will be able to enter Turkey without needing visas but the total duration of their stay cannot exceed 90 days.

Owners of diplomatic passports, service ones and social ones, who are assigned to work in diplomatic representative offices, consular institutions or representative offices of international organizations located in one of the two countries will be free to enter, leave, and transit the countries without visas for the entire duration of their assignment.

However, the agreement will be bundled with some restrictions. Visa-free travels will not be available for work purposes (except for transporting passengers and cargoes), for education trips, research ones, the reunion of families and for residence. Citizens of Turkey and Belarus will be granted visa-free travels for the sake of holding business negotiations.

However, for the visa-free travels to become available, the Belarus-Turkey agreement on readmission has to be ratified first. The House of Representatives of the National Assembly intends to pass the relevant bill, too, but no precise date has been voiced so far.

Apart from that, the 24 October session is also supposed to pass amendments to the laws on bankruptcy, on natural monopolies, on occupational therapy detox centers, and other ones. In addition to the agreement with Turkey the parliament is also supposed to ratify other documents, including an agreement with Indonesia on cooperation in defense industry. Amendments to the law on population register will be given the second reading.

Arranging parliamentary debates for improving education laws will be a separate item on the agenda.

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