21 September 2024, Saturday, 1:14
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New arrests on the “opera case”?

New arrests on the “opera case”?

Prosecutor General’s office has brought up the topic of the reconstruction of the Opera and Ballet Theater again.

To the 80-th anniversary of the National Academic Big Theater of Opera and Ballet Prosecutor General’s office has filed several criminal cases against those, who several years ago dealt with the renovation of the theater’s building.

Among those, who fell under the new anti-corruption investigation, connected with the reconstruction of the building of the National Academic Big Theater of Opera and Ballet, are the former director general of the public corporation United Directorate of Facilities under Construction of the Ministry of Culture of Belarus, and also former chief engineer and chief accountant of this organization. They are incriminated committing crimes according to the part 3 of the article 424 of the Criminal Code of Belarus (power abuse by an official in a responsible position, or by the means of carrying out denationalization or privatization of state property, or which caused grave consequences), Ezhednevnik reports.

By the way, in terms of the number of former and acting officials, against whom criminal cases have been filed, the public corporation United Directorate of Facilities under Construction of the Ministry of Culture of Belarus is the unconditional leader among all private and non-private organizations of the country. At the same time neither at the Ministry of Culture, no in the government, anyone gives this fact any assessment. Everyone diligently pretends that the situation with the corruption at the construction organization of the Ministry of Culture is quite normal.

The cases, filed by the Prosecutor General’s office over the reconstruction of the building of the National Academic Big Theater of Opera and Ballet’s building has gone a long way of all possible rejections. Neither the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nor other law enforcing agencies saw corpus delicti in the actions of the officials of the public corporation United Directorate of Facilities under Construction. It is for that reason that it is hard to say today, how the initiated investigation will end.

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