4 June 2024, Tuesday, 11:52
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Charter 97!

Stop 193.1

Stop 193.1

BCD Mahiliou activist appeals warning for illegal party membership.

Aleh Aksionau, activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, lodged today an appeal to the Board on Civil Cases of Mahiliou Regional Court.

The BCD activist demands to cancel the decision of Leninski District Court of 10 July 2013 and the official warning addressed to him by Mahiliou department of the State Security Committee (KGB) for acting on behalf of an unregistered organization. He also urges the Court to recognize as illegal the preventive conversation he was subjected to by the KGB staff.

In his complaint, Aleh Aksionau also asks the court to order the chief of the KGB Mahiliou regional department to provide a written apology for their illegal actions.

In addition, the activist wants to have Art. 193.1 of the Criminal Code and Par. 3, Art. 7 of the Law "On Political Parties", which prohibit activities on behalf of unregistered parties, recognized as unconstitutional by the Regional Court.

On April 29, Aleh Aksionau was summoned for a preventive prophylactic conversation to the KGB office. During the “conversation” a KGB agent named Makhunou told the activist that an official warning had been issued against him by the KGB regional chief for allegedly acting on behalf of the unregistered party, the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, as well as for participation in the activities of two more unregistered human rights organizations, the civil campaign "For Fair Elections-2012" and the Mahiliou regional coalition of pro-democratic forces.

Aleh Aksionau has been under the KGB preventive supervision for already over a year.

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