21 September 2024, Saturday, 4:07
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Censors again cut NTV's story about Baumgertner's arrest


Belarusuan censors cut a big story about the arrest of Uralkali CEO from the Sunday issue of “Segodnya.Itogovaya programma” on NTV-Belarus TV.

Charter97.org learnt it from a reader.

“Censors cut all words about Baumgertner's arrest from the news summary and a big story about the situation in the Sunday issue of 'Segodnya.Itogovaya programma'. The news ended 15 minutes earlier that the scheduled time. Such a 'democracy' we have,” the reader writes.

Belarusuian censors already cut a story about Vladislav Baumgertner's arrest from the news programme “Segodnya. Itogi” aired in Belarus on August 27.

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