8 May 2024, Wednesday, 16:10
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Zmitser Dashkevich: Belarusians To Gain Freedom

Zmitser Dashkevich: Belarusians To Gain Freedom

People will continue to come out to street protests.

Leader of Young Front Zmitser Dashkevich said that to Belarusian Partisan, commenting on the rally dedicated to the 25th anniversary of independence of Belarus.

“The rally made a very positive impression: the heart-stirring “Kupala Readings,” the impressive procession. There were more people than we had expected. We can compare that with electoral events, which are officially permitted and conducted by whole party coalitions – 20-30 people attend them. The fact, that more people come to an unauthorized event, is positive.

Given that thousands of independent media readers see the in the news the avenue, filled with white-red-white flags, and get inspired. The time will come, when these people will also join street protests and gain freedom for Belarus – as 25 years ago, tens of thousands of Belarusians gained the independence of our country in Independence Square,” – Zmitser Dashkevich said.

There were some provocations during the event, too: at the very end of the rally four provocateurs began throwing eggs into the crowd.

“I think that was a provocation of the police. Several people throw eggs and manage to escape from the cordoned square? It is ridiculous. All the more, if it was not the police, our guys would catch the provocateurs, but the police stopped patriots who tried to run down the provocateurs,” – the leader of Young Front said.

We remind that in the evening dozens of people gathered in Yanka Kupala square to celebrate together the 25th anniversary of Independence of Belarus. Poetic “Kupala Readings” were held there, after that people walked in columns with white-red-white flags to the Independence Square.

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