Andrei Kim, political prisoner
Youth leader Andrei Kim is sentenced by the Tsentralny district court of Minsk (Judge Alena Illina) to a year and a half of imprisonment. Andrei Kim was found guilty of participating in the unauthorised protest rally of entrepreneurs, as well as of attack against traffic militia officer Yury Sychou. But guilt of Kim wasn’t proved on the trial. Video materials, shot by the KGB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Belarusian TV, showed Sychou was hit by another militia officer. Andrei Kim didn’t even come near to the militiaman.
Topic: Andrei Kim, political prisoner
16:00 Andrei Kim: “All democratic candidates must withdraw from election” 3
Former political prisoner Andrei Kim thinks the oncoming “presidential election” won’t be free and democratic, if the authorities don’’ liberalise the election laws.
14:27 EU shouldn't lift sanctions against Belarusian regime 4
Former political prisoners don’t think their release is a ground of reviewing EU’s positions towards Belarus.
12:07 Joint statement of politic al prisoners: “We will struggle for freedom of Belarus until we win”
“We are thankful to all people of Belarus who have struggled for our release,” the joint statement to the Belarusian nation of former political prisoners Alyaksandr Kazulin, Syarhei Parsyukevich and Andrei Kim says.
15:49 US Embassy welcomes release of all political prisoners in Belarus 4
The US Embassy views release of Syarhei Parsyukevich and Andrei Kim an important event, the press-service of the US diplomatic mission has stated. It is expected that a special statement will be made by the US State Department.
15:17 Andrei Sannikov: “US sanctions have made Belarusian authorities release political prisoners” 10
It were the economic sanctions imposed by the US against Lukashenka’s regime have made the Belarusian authorities release political prisoners, believes one of the leaders of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Andrei Sannikov.
13:55 Political prisoner Andrei Kim released 30
As the Charter’97 press-centre has been informed, political prisoner Andrei Kim has been released from Babrujsk colony today. Like Alyaksandr Kazulin and Syarhei Parsyukevich, Kim was released by A. Lukashenka’s decree.
13:56 Tatsyana Kim: “I am waiting for Lukashenka to release my son too”
“I am waiting for Lukashenka to release other political prisoners, my son Andrei Kim and Syarhei Parsyukevich,” Tatsyana Kim said in an interview to the Charter’97 press-centre.
12:41 EU expects “immediate release of all political prisoners”
Benita Ferrero-Waldner, European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, welcomed release of the oppositional politician Alyaksandr Kazulin and stated that she counts on “immediate release of other Belarusian politicians”.
12:21 Rallies of Solidarity in Minsk: pickets held in centre of city (Photo)
Several rallies dedicated to the Day of Solidarity were held in Minsk on August 16. Activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” gathered in the streets of the city with portraits of political prisoners and abducted leaders of the opposition.
17:53 US set to keep sanctions against Belarusian regime (Video) 9
The US is not going to cancel the economic sanctions against the Belarusian enterprises if political prisoners Alyaksandr Kazulin, Syarhei Parsyukevich and Andrei Kim are not released. It has been stated today at a press-conference in Minsk by US Charge d'Affaires Jonathan Moore.
12:06 Verdict in Process of Fourteen affirmed
The judicial bench of Minsk city court has upheld verdicts to activists punished for participation in the meeting of entrepreneurs on January 10.
11:49 Political prisoner Andrei Kim behind bars for 6th month
21 July 6 months has passed since the youth leader Andrei Kim was arrested. The oppositionist was detained on 21 January at a protest action of entrepreneurs in Minsk.
9:29 Cassation appeal on Trial of 14 to be heard on 22 July
A cassation appeal against the judgement of the Tsentralny district court of 22 April will be heard in the Minsk city court on 22 July. 10 youth activist were convicted for participation in a protest action on 10 January.
13:35 When cassation appeal of Andrei Kim will be considered?
More than a month has passed from the date of submitting a cassation appeal by Andrei Kim, but it is still unknown when the appeal will be considered.
10:18 Problem of political prisoners in Belarus to be discussed in European Parliament 3
Debates on the theme of political situation in European are held in the European Parliament today and tomorrow. The situation in Belarus is also to be discussed in Brussels. In particular, an issue of political prisoners. The Belarusian authorities refused to released prisoners of conscience Alyaksandr Kazulin, Syarhei Parsyukevich and Andrei Kim.
17:18 Political prisoner Andrei Kim put in quarantine in Babruisk colony
Political prisoner Andrei Kim was put in quarantine in the Babruisk penal colony. He can serve 1.5 year of imprisonment in this colony.
15:11 Andrei Kim transferred into Babrujsk colony
Political prisoner Andrei Kim is transferred into Babrujsk colony No. 2.
15:59 People in Germany demand Belarusian authorities to release political prisoners (Photo)
An action of solidarity with victims of repressions in Belarus was held in the German town Munster. Applicant for the picket Inha Avramava, activist of the “For Freedom” movement from Brest, informed about it.
19:00 Riot militia against action of solidarity with political prisoners in Minsk (Photo, video) 11
Riot militia officers forced participants of the solidarity action out of October Square in Minsk on 16 May. People came to the square demanding to release political prisoners.
13:21 We remember
Today democratic forces activists mark the Day of Solidarity in Minsk. They are going to come to October Square with portraits of political prisoners at 6.00pm. Participants of the action will express their solidarity with people, accused on the case of 14.
14:11 Was Andrei Kim returned to pretrial detention center with ill eyes?
Political prisoner Andrei Kim was transferred to the Minsk pretrial detention center from the prison hospital.
8:52 Eyesight of Political Prisoners Andrei Kim declines
Andrei Kim has been visited by his mother in the prison hospital. The political prisoner was placed there because of eyes inflammation.
13:46 Lukashenka is not going to release Kazulin and other political prisoners 80
Alyaksandr Lukashenka gave the “national assembly” his traditional “annual address.” The Belarusian head of state didn’t say anything new. Most of the statements have been already heard before. He said threefold (!) population growth in Belarus was a vital question, and stated he wasn’t going to release political prisoners, though the European Union and the United States insist on it.
10:07 Struggle for political prisoners release goes on (Photo, video) 2
Banners demanding to release political prisoners appear in Minsk almost every day.
15:41 Political prisoner Andrei Kim taken to prison hospital 1
Andrei Kim has been in the republican prison hospital since 24 April. The activist suffers from ophthalmia, which began during his detention in the pretrial detention center on Valadarski Street.
17:50 Opposition politicians, human rights defenders slam conviction of Andrey Kim
Opposition politicians and human rights defenders have slammed Tuesday’s conviction of Andrey Kim and other youths over January demonstrations as politically motivated.
16:25 Andrei Kim’s mother: “I’m proud of you, son!” 36
When yesterday a judgement to youth activist Andrei Kim was read out, his mother Tatsyana Kim shouted in the courtroom: “I’m proud of you, son!” Everyone heard these words. Eyes of people filled with tears. If a mother, whose son is leaving her for a colony for long 1.5 years, says such words, it means she loves and understands well her son.
17:53 U.S. embassy: “Andrei Kim is political prisoner” 6
Jonathan Moore, U.S. Chargé d’Affaires in Belarus, commented on the judgement, delivered to the youth activist on 22 April: “Sentence to Andrei Kim is a political decision.”
15:05 Heavy sentences to participants of trial of 14 (Photo, video) 58
Youth activist Andrei Kim is sentenced to 1.5 year in penal colony by the Tsentralny district court of Minsk. Other participant of the trial of 14 – Alyaksei Bondar, Artsyo Dubski, Mikhas Kryvay, Mikhas Pashekvich, Ales Straltsou, Ales Charnyshou, Tatsyana Tsishkevich - are sentenced to correctional works without sending them to penitentiary institutions. They must charge the state 20 per cent of their wages. Anton Koipish and Uladzimir Sayrheeu are fined of 100 basic units. The judgement was read by judge Alena Illina.
11:15 Riot militia encircled court building where “trial of 14” takes place 5
“The trial of 14” has begun today in the Tsentralny district court on Minsk. Participants of the mass protest action of entrepreneurs on 10 January have trial today. About 50 people, including famous politicians, came to support the accused.
16:38 Rehearing of Andrei Kim’s case scheduled 7
Today at the trial in the case of Andrei Kim the judge has consolidated two cases in one, and so a day for a hearing of, in fact, a new case, has been assigned.
15:40 Riot policemen got people move on from court where trial over Andrei Kim is held (Photo, video) 18
Riot policemen force away people from the building of the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk, where the trial over Andrei Kim, a political prisoner, takes place.
8:35 Trial over political prisoner Andrei Kim starts today 3
The trial in the case of a young activist Andrei Kim is to start on April 1 at 2 p.m. in the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk.
8:28 People protest and demand freedom in Minsk (Photo) 4
Some actions demanding to release political prisoners, opposition activists, arrested 25 March, and stop pressing upon independent Belarusian media were held in Minsk 30 March.
8:51 Andrei Kim to Stand Trial on April 1 3
The trial in the case of the young activist Andrei Kim is to start on April 1 in the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk.
17:39 Belarusians call on authorities to release political prisoners (Photo) 9
Actions requiring to release political prisoners were held in Minsk and other Belarusians cities on Solidarity Day 16 March. People took to streets with portraits of prisoners of conscience, spread leaflets, hung out banners, demanding the authorities to release immediately and unconditionally Alyaksandr Kazulin, Andrei Kim and Syarhei Parsyukevich, arrested on politically motivated grounds.
17:55 Campaign in support of political prisoner Andrei Kim held in Livejournal photo
An online community dedicated to the political prisoner Andrei Kim has been created at LiveJournal service.
17:51 OSCE Ambassador Urged to Visit Andrei Kim in Prison
The leader of the United Civil party Anatol Lyabedzka and young activists met Head of the OSCE Office in Minsk Ambassador Hans Jochen Schmid on March 6.
12:43 Andrei Kim’s criminal case taken to court 7
A criminal case against political prisoner Andrei Kim will be taken to the court today. The activist of the organisation “Initiative” was detained during disperse of action of entrepreneurs on 21 January. He got 10 days of arrest for participation in the unauthorised event, and later he was guarded to the pretrial detention center and accused of violent acts against militiamen.
16:21 General Prosecutor not considered problem of Andrei Kim’s release
Statement of a group of Brest democratic activists to Ryhor Vasilevich, General Prosecutor of Belarus, requiring to release Andrei Kim was sent to prosecutor’s office of the Brest Region for consideration.
16:35 Amnesty International urged to recognize Andrei Kim prisoner of conscience
Small businessmen have addressed the human rights organization “Amnesty International” with an appeal to recognize Andrei Kim a prisoner of conscience. The BelaPAN has been informed about that by one of the leaders of the small businessmen’s movement Ihar Lednik.
12:33 Leader of small businessmen asks to release political prisoner on bail
The chairman of the steering committee of individual entrepreneurs of Minsk Alyaksandr Makaeu has filed an application to the office of the Prosecutor General of Belarus to set free Andrei Kim on bail. Andrei Kim is a 22-year-old democratic activist arrested on January 21 during the protest rally of individual entrepreneurs.
17:11 Case of political prisoner Andrei Kim taken to court 6
Investigation in the criminal case against an activist of the youth organization “Initiative” Andrei Kim has finished. After the political prisoner would get acquainted with files of the case, it would be taken to the court.
17:42 Political prisoner Andrei Kim to celebrate birthday in prison 6
Today the political prisoner Andrei Kim turns 22. Unfortunately, the activist of the civil campaign “Initiative” Andrei Kim has to celebrate his birthday in prison.
10:33 Prosecutor General urged to release Andrei Kim 7
On February 25 Brest human rights activist Raman Kislyak and regional activists of the democratic forces sent a letter to the Prosecutor General Ryhor Vasilevich with a demand to release an opposition activist Andrei Kim.
14:54 European Parliament’s Resolution: Freedom to political prisoners, freedom of speech, fair election
The European Parliament at its plenary session by unanimous vote adopted a resolution on the situation Belarus. The Belarusian authorities are urged to release political prisoners, grant freedom of speech and hold free election. The document expresses solidarity with the united democratic opposition of Belarus and “all Belarusian citizens who strive for an independent, open and democratic Belarus based on the rule of law”.
Everything Becomes Possible
Today a political prisoner Alyaksandr Zdzvizhkou has been released. The journalist has become the sixth prisoner of conscience released over the last month. Doors of oppositionists’ prisons have opened thanks to principled actions of the US and the EU, as well as the campaign of solidarity by the democratic forces. In December 2007 the US imposed sanctions against the largest Belarusian monopolist “Belneftekhim”, while the EU for more than a year stuck to its coordinated policy known as 12 recommendations of the EU.
9:59 Elisabeth Schroedter: “No concessions”
“Belarusian authorities will have no concessions, unless violating of human rights is stopped in the country. It’s not enough for Lukashenka to release some political prisoners, bargaining with us,” MEP Elisabeth Schroedter said in the interview to Deutsche Welle about the resolution on Belarus adopted on 21 February.
11:10 Andrei Kim’s mother: “My son helped me to turn to all good and real” 4
Some political prisoners are released, while new people are thrown behind the bars. Youth activist Andrei KIM, accused of violent acts against a militiaman, is in the list of those, whom the Belarusian and international community require to release. Andrei’s mother Tatsyna Andreeuna tells to the newspaper “Narodnaya Volya” about Andrei and his situation.
10:40 Belarusians call upon all prisoners of conscience (Photo)
Rallies urging the authorities to release all political prisoners were held on January 16 in many parts of Minsk. Young activists of the civil campaign “Jeans for Freedom” gathered in the streets with portraits of prisoners of conscience.