9 January 2025, Thursday, 12:08
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Threats to a journalist Natallya Radzina are continuing

Threats to a journalist Natallya Radzina are continuing

Anonymous threats to the journalist of charter97.org appear daily from the day of Aleh Byabenin’s death.

The threats come in a form of commentaries to articles of the site charter97.org. They say that Aleh Byabenin was the first journalist of the site, who was killed, and the others are on the list. Here is some of the threats: “One paparazzi has been killed, your turn will come, dregs …”, “If you will yelp, soon all of you will be killed, as one scum had already been, one traitor of RB…”, “Death to opposition”, “We will kill all of you, creatures, and all your relatives as well, not to procreate red-and-white degenerates”, “Moderator, if you think, that you are unknown, and you are sitting in Russia, that everything will be all right, you are mistaken. We’ll see you, when it will be officially allowed to kill the small-minded. We’ll get acquainted personally …”

Today an anonymous commentator wrote the following: “May be all of you, Charter-belonged, are to hang yourself? Radzina – get into a noose!”.

“Earlier the threats appeared constantly but with some periodicity, several times per year. After Aleh’s death threats appear every day. All this is only strengthening our suspicions, that Byabenin was killed. The effect of these threats is reverse. One can’t intimidate us. We will continue working anyway, and the bastards, who write this, sooner or later will answer for all”, - Natallya Radzina stated.

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