4 June 2024, Tuesday, 6:22
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Yury Khashchavatski: Lukashenka fears people may spit on his monument or demolish it

Yury Khashchavatski: Lukashenka fears people may spit on his monument or demolish it

The Belarusian ruler does not mind setting a monument to himself, but fears it may suffer from pigeon droppings, spitting or may be demolished by angry people.

Film director Yury Khashchavatski spoke to charter97.org about the dictator's ban on setting a monument to the “first president of the country”.

“Lukashenka knows how people ruin monuments to such persons. I saw absolutely terrifying footage how it was done in Dushanbe and Moscow. The matter is not setting the monument. The matter is keeping it from the demolition. The Belarusian ruler feels it, so he chose not to get involved,” the film director thinks.

He noted it was a publicity move on the other hand.

“Lukashenka is the most 'modest' and 'honest' man. He demonstrates how modest he is. But the real reason for his fear to imagine how this monument will be demolished, how it will be thrown down from the pedestal and so on. Even during his rule the monument would be attacked,” Yury Khashchavatski is confident.

He said the monument may be guarded by riot police day and night.

“But it will cost much. We do not fulfill our economic plans, but we will need a hundred of soldiers to guard the monument. But what to do with pigeons? Snipers on roofs are needed. There's no money for these tasks, all the more the 'Year of Frugality' was declared,” the film director concluded.

It should be reminded that the Belarusian dictator said during a groundbreaking ceremony for the Magistr residential district for representatives of the scientific and arts community that he didn't like the idea of erecting a monument to the first president of Belarus and political figures at all.

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