4 May 2024, Saturday, 6:42
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Siarhei Kaliakin: Lukashenka doesn't cope with duties and must quit

Siarhei Kaliakin: Lukashenka doesn't cope with duties and must quit

Belarus has become an insolvent state during Lukashenka's rule.

Head of the Fair World party Siarhei Kaliakin said it in an interview with ucpb.org.

“He received around $120-130 billion from Russia during his rule, but practically failed to create something new in the economy, which would be competitive in the international market, and help the republic to be a sustainable independent country. We strongly depend on Russia. If Russia stops helping us, we will become an insolvent state. That's what we have achieved. I think the sooner he quits the better it will be for Belarus and the people of Belarus,” Siarhei Kaliakin noted.

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