Freedom for Autukhovich!
Since 2003 Mikalai Autukhovich experiences crackdown of the regime because of his principled stand and active citizenship. He has lost his business and was imprisoned for the second time: the first time he was imprisoned on false economic charges, and now under even more absurd accusations of terrorism and arson. During the first arrest Autukhovich was recognized a political prisoner by the US, and second time he was arrested a day before the term of punishment finished. Autukhovich was on two long-term hunger strikes in prisons, they lasted 50 and 90 days. He doesn’t plead guilty. The life of the political prisoner is in danger, as he has a number of grave chronic diseases.
Topic: Freedom for Autukhovich!
17:23 Political order: Autukhovich sentenced to 5 years of prison (Photo,video) 85
Mikalai Autukhovich has been sentenced to 5.2 years of imprisonement in a maximum security penal colony, Uladizmir Asipenka to 3 years in a standard regime penal colony.
10:33 Barroso came out to Belarusian diaspora picketing the European Commission headquarters (Photo) 6
The Belarusians of Belgium held a picket of solidarity on May 5, ahead of delivering a sentence to political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka.
9:31 Verdicts to Autukhovich and Asipenka to be delivered today 19
A sentence to the political prisoners, who have spent more than a year in a detention facility, is to be pronounced in the Supreme Court in Minsk at 2:30 p.m.
13:01 Political prisoner Artsyom Dubski to be released on May 25
Meanwhile, pressure by the administration of the corrective facility against Artsyom Dubski, who is serving the sentence in the colony in Mahilyou, does not cease.
9:30 Verdict in Autukhovich's case to be delivered on May 6 2
In his final statement in the Supreme Court Vaukavysk businessmen pled not guilty.
15:48 In his final statement Autukhovich didn't admit guilt 5
As said by the political prisoner, high-ranking officials are taking revenge on him. They had been persecuting him since 2003.
12:01 Pavel Sapelka: No chances for a just verdict to Autukhovich 21
The lawyer of Mikalai Autukhovich states that the Supreme Court has picked up the slack of investigation and won't acquit the political prisoners.
18:58 Prosecutor demands to sentence Autukhovich to 20 years of prison 63
He said that even though charges against Vaukavysk entrepreneurs were not proved in the Supreme Court and were rebutted by witnesses.
15:10 No legitimate parliament without free elections
Lithuania is against inviting representatives of the illegitimate Belarusian "parliament" to the EURONEST.
13:33 Witness Alyaksandr Kozel: I was forced to give evidence against Autukhovich 5
The trial over the case of political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka goes on in the Supreme Court.
15:20 Mikalai Autukhovich: “I’ll prove my innocence. If I am not killed” 2
The proceeding in the case of Mikalai Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka, Mikhail Kazlou and Alyaksandr Laryn goes on in the Supreme Court of Belarus.
9:58 Yury Lyavonau: I was pressed and threatened to be sent to a colony in Hlubokae (Video) 6
Yury Lyavonau, the former director of Vaukavysk-based firm Nika-trans, was questioned in Mikalai Autukhovich’s case in the Supreme Court.
12:38 BPF Youth leader fined for solidarity with political prisoners
Andrei Krachko was fined 700.000 rubles for an action on October square on the Solidarity Day.
12:22 "Terrorist attack" case falls apart: Sauchanka does not have claims against Autukhovich
The former governor of Hrodna region Uladzimir Sauchanka learnt about preparation of a terrorist attack against him only from inverstigators.
11:26 Human rights activists calling on OSCE to turn attention to case of Autukovich 2
Belarusian human rights activists, observing the criminal proceeding on the case of entrepreneurs addressed Benedikt Haller, the head of the OSCE Office in Minsk.
15:32 Former head of Vaukavysk district executive committee: “Autukhovich didn’t threaten anybody” 9
Witnesses in the case of Autukhovich continue to deny accusations against the businessman from Vaukavysk.
8:41 Scandal at trial over Autukhovich: witnesses exposing investigation 11
Witness told at a trial over Mikalai Autukhovich in the Supreme Court how investigators had sought their evidence.
16:55 Witness in Autukhovich's case: They promised to release me by Easter if I say what they need 7
New witnesses in the case of political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka speak about serious pressure on them by the investigators.
14:03 500-dollar fine for demand to release Autukhovich 1
The court sentenced Andrei Kuzminski, a Young Belarus activist, to a 40-basic unit fine.
15:29 Prisoner was promised early release for slander of Autukhovich 14
New testimony of persons involved in the case of Mikalai Autukhovich prove innocence of the political prisoners.
14:47 Witness: I was beaten and forced to slander against Autukhovich 11
Witness Alyaksandr Kozel has been guarded to court fro ma penal colony for questioning at the trial overt political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka on March 25.
8:56 Autukhovich: Our case is a frame-up by high-ranking persons 8
Mikalai Autukhovich believes that the court trial against him is a revenge for his activities aimed at bringing to light facts of corruption in Vaukavysk.
10:19 Autukhovich: “Tax inspectors extorted money from me” 11
The businessman from Vaukavysk pleads not guilty and says he fought against corruption.
11:54 Accusations against Autukhovich are absurd. The main “victim” didn’t appear in court 25
A statement of former head of the Hrodna region executive committee Uladzimir Sauchanka was read out in the Supreme Court.
17:06 Large fines for rally of solidarity with Autukhovich and Asipenka 14
In the court of Partyzanski district of Minsk activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” have been convicted. They were detained yesterday for a picket in support of political prisoners.
13:01 Mikalai Autukhovich: Moral coercion was exerted on us (Photo) 26
The first trial over political prisoners lasts for 2 hours only: the session has been rescheduled for March 16.
19:06 Belarusian political prisoner Artsyom Dubski banned to receive parcels from outside until May
The Young Front activist complains at ill stomach and asks his mother to send medicines to prison.
12:04 Christian Ivan Mikhajlau release on recognizance 1
A panel of judges of Minsk regional court has studied the cassational appeal of Ivan Mikhajlau who had been imprisoned for alleged draft evasion.
17:01 Artsyom Dubski – year in prison (Photo) photo
On March 3 activists of the Young Front hanged out in Minsk streamers “Freedom to Artsyom Dubski!”
15:06 Political prisoners Autukhovich and Asipenka to stand trial on March 10 5
The date of the trial over Vaukavysk businessman Mikalai Autukhovich and former army officer Uladzimir Asipenka has been announced today.
15:08 Syarhei Parsyukevich: “It’s clear that Surhan is not a criminal but a victim” 5
Syarhei Parsyukevich was among the people who presented at reading the judgement to Aleh Surhan. The former political prisoner says Surhan’s case is very similar to his one.
11:11 Beaten by militia Aleh Surhan got 6 months in jail 59
A new political prisoner appeared in Belarus. The oppositionist, who hung out a national flag, has been sentenced to six months in jail.
17:25 Belarusian political prisoner Artsyom Dubski placed to punishment cell for 15 days 3
The political prisoner has been placed to a punishment isolation cell for demanding improvement of incarceration conditions in the colony.
12:31 Andrei Bastunets: “Dispersal of opposition action in Belarus showed cost of Interior Ministry’s words”
The deputy head of the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) commented on unlawful actions by the riot militia hindering work of journalist at an opposition demonstration on February 8.
18:16 Opposition rally in Minsk disbanded (Video) 49
20 persons have been detained on February on October Square 8 in Minsk. Riot policemen again prevented journalists from doing their work, acting in thuggish methods.
11:01 Alyaksandr Kamarouski: “Authorities will play double game, lie and are sure to Autukhovich” 1
Co-chairman of the organising committee for creation a movement of Afghan war veterans “Fatherland’s defenders” is sure that a year ago Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka were taken in custody illegally.
9:50 A year since political prisoners Autukhovich and Asipenka thrown into prison 2
An action of solidarity with prisoners of conscience is to be held at October square at 6:00 p.m. today.
11:31 Autukhovich and Asipenka’s period of detention extended
Period of detention for Vaukavysk businessmen extended till February 28.
17:52 Afghan war medal handed over to Autukhovich in detention facility
Lawyer Pavel Sapelka visited political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich in the Minsk detention facility on January 22.
9:56 Human Rights Watch: Autukhovich, Lyavonau, Asipenka, Dubski are political prisoners 13
An influential international organization Human Rights Watch admits new political prisoner appeared in Belarus.
9:06 Aleh Vouchak: “Prosecutor general misleads public” 4
On January 20, 2010 Prosecutor General of Belarus stated that neither Mikalai Autukhovich nor Uladzimir Asipenka made any complaints in the process of investigation of the case, and also said it would be a trial in an open court.
14:58 Lidziya Autukhovich: “It seems like someone wants to accuse my son of all crimes” 5
Mother of political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich doesn’t receive all letters from her son and won’t be able to attend a trial over him due to problems with health.
19:49 Syarhei Kavalenka: “I raised our flag above the star” 206
Syarhei Kavalenka, arrested for hanging out a national flag in Vitsebsk, has been released under his own recognition. He gave his first interview to the website charter97.org.
New political prisoner in Belarus
Activist of the Conservative Christian Party BPF Syarhei Kavalenka, accused of hanging out a national white-red-white flag on a New Year’s tree, has been moved to a detention facility for two months.
9:51 Case of political prisoners Autukhovich and Asipenka taken to Supreme Court 6
The case was taken to court on December 30, the date of the trial is unknown.
15:06 Motion of political prisoner Autukhovich to close criminal case dismissed 2
The investigator denied to close the case almost immediately after Mikalai Autukhovich’s lawyer addressed him.
12:36 Autukhovich can start hunger strike in prison again 1
Belarusian political prisoners were visited by their family members and handed in Charter’97 award to them.
16:47 Mikalai Autukhovich’s lawyer: “Investigation feared to give us copies of materials of the case” 8
On December 24, political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka, charged with preparation of a terroristic act, finished studying the materials of the case.
10:47 Today is Day of Solidarity: “No to political abductions!” 1
A rally of protest urging to stop abductions of oppositionists in Belarus will be held on October Square in Minsk at 6 p.m.
11:30 Sentence against businessman Andrei Bandarenka vacated 1
The judicial board of the Minsk city court headed by judge Nazaranka vacated a sentence delivered by the Pershamaiski district court against Andrei Bandarenka.