18 сакавiка 2025, aўторак, 21:25
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Ганна, 8:04, 22.06

Лукашэнкащская ўлада -улада фашыстаў і жывадзераў!

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Brian K. Doan, 15:31, 22.06

Prosecutor General Grigory Vasilevich was duped by Michele Duncan on behalf of her client, Boris Berezovsky, into arresting Emanuel Zeltser. As the case will prove, PR Vasilevich and the criminal justice system of Belarus was used by Mr. Berezovsky through his legal council, Ms. Duncan, to obtain a criminal conviction against Mr. Zeltser that Scotland Yard flatly rejected, refused to investigate, on the factual basis that there was no evidence to support allegations of fraud against either Joseph Kay or Mr. Zeltser. On behalf of the good citizens of the Republic of Belarus, one must ask PG Vasilevich how it feels to be known the world over as the dumping down to obtain fraudulent criminal convictions on allegations of criminal wrong doing that was rejected by nation's where civil liberties and rules of law are sacrosanct?

In February 2008, on behalf of her client, Mr. Berezovsky, Ms. Duncan attempted without success to file a criminal complaint with Scotland Yard against Messrs. Kay and Zeltser. She beat the doors down at Scotland Yard but ran into one brick wall after another. Scotland Yard refused to investigate her allegations of fraud against Messrs. Zeltser and Kay. There was not a shred of evidence that Messrs. Zeltser and Kay had engaged in fraudulent representations when Mr. Kay attempted to exercise his rights as executor of the estate of Badri Patarkatsishvili to obtain signatory authority over the assets of the estate.

As the Georgian court ruling on 18 May 2008 recognizing Mr. Kay as the lawful executor of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's estate would prove, Ms. Duncan's allegations of fraud were based on opinion versus fact. The Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes executed by Mr. Patarkatsishvili on 14 November 2007 were authentic and not the fraudulent documents Ms. Duncan's client alleged them to be.

Mr. Berezovsky is not a party to the estate of Mr. Patarkatsishvili. He is neither an heir nor a beneficiary. He has what amounts to a creditor's claim against the estate on assets he alleges he entrusted to Mr. Patarkatsishvili for Mr. Patarkatsishvili's management that Mr. Berezovsky further alleges were commingled with Mr. Patarkatsishvili's assets in investments that represent 50% of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's stock portfolio. Neither Mr. Berezovsky, nor his legal counsel, Ms. Duncan, had any legal right to represent themselves as party to the estate in relation to Mr. Zeltser's arrest.

In a bizarre twist, Mr. Berezovsky retrieved the documents Mr. Zeltser is charge by PG Vasilevich with possessing from the hotel in London where Mr. Zeltser had placed them in a safe deposit box. The management at the hotel is alleged to have corroborated that the documents were released to Mr. Berezovsky with the authorization of Mr. Zeltser (via Mr. Kay) four days after Mr. Zeltser's arrest in Belarus, which is documented in the tape recorded telephone conversations by and between Messrs. Kay and Zeltser which Mr. Zeltser alleged he was forced to make under conditions of torture by his KGB interrogators.

Those tape recorded conversations are a matter of public record. They were submitted into evidence in USDC, Southern District of New York by Harold Hoffman, Mr. Zeltser's defense attorney. The conditions under which Mr. Zeltser was forced to authorize Mr. Kay to instruct the hotel to release the documents to Mr. Berezovsky was independently corroborated by the U.S government officials from the U.S. Consulate Office in Minsk during a meeting with Mr. Zeltser. That too is a matter of public record. Copies of the tape recorded conversations were also given to the FBI's Russia Organized Crime Division in New York and to officials at State Department's Belarus Desk.

The documents have been in Mr. Berezovsky's possession since on or about 16 March. Copies of the original documents are alleged to have been made by Georgian officials who certified they were copies of the originals, entered them as copies of the originals into court and were the basis upon which Mr. Kay was recognized by the Georgian court as the lawful executor of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's estate. That Mr. Berezovsky has not released those documents to a court of law with competent jurisdiction and or to Inna Gudavadze, Mr. Patarkatsishvili's widow, or to Ms. Gudavadze's attorney, Lord Goldsmith, is indicative that Mr. Berezovsky has something to gain from preventing the original documents from surfacing.

Mr. Berezovsky is not a party to the estate of Mr. Patarkatsishvili. He is neither an heir nor a beneficiary. He has what amounts to a creditor's claim against the estate on assets he alleges he entrusted to Mr. Patarkatsishvili for Mr. Patarkatsishvili's management that Mr. Berezovsky further alleges were commingled with Mr. Patarkatsishvili's assets in investments that represent 50% of Mr. Patarkatsishvili's stock portfolio. Neither Mr. Berezovsky, nor his legal counsel, Ms. Duncan, had any legal right to represent themselves as party to the estate in relation to Mr. Zeltser's arrest in Belarus.

It would be wise, indeed, for PG Vasilevich to heed the warning Ms. Gudavadze issued in a press statement in Georgia's Messenger on 20 June 2008, categorically denying any cooperation with Boris Berezovsky and affirming that she refuses to cooperate with him at any point in the future.

She stated as follows: “I confirm once again that the Patarkatsishvili family does not share Berezovsky’s views and personal aspirations regarding politics and business, and that it categorically refuses to cooperate with him. The family in no way cooperates with him, nor does it aspire to set up such links...Information to the contrary is deliberate and false,”

Mr. Patarkatsishvili had long severed his friendship with Mr. Berezovsky. Mr. Berezovsky's allegations to the contrary are face saving. Mr. Berezovsky can ill-afford the personal humiliation and public embarrassment associated with his former business partner's, Mr. Patarkatsishvili, rapprochement with Mr. Berezovsky's greatest nemesis President Vladimir Putin. Moreover, in opposition to Mr. Berezovsky, Mr. Patarkatsishvili was an ardent defender of Andrei Lugovoy's innocence in the murder of Alexander Litvinenko that Mr. Berezovsky, and his entourage of disinformation specialists recruited from the ranks of former KGB/FSB agents, sensationalized in the media. Mr. Patarkatsishvili reuniting with President Putin and his affirmation of Mr. Lugovoy's innocence was a major bone of contention between them.

The growing contention between Mr. Patarkatsishvili and Mr. Berezovsky is alleged to be the reason Mr. Patarkatsishvili called upon Mr. Zeltser to secretly executed a Durable Power on 14 November 2006, fourteen days after Mr. Litvinenko inadvertently ingested polonium 210, and returned again on year to the day later to secretly execute a Deep of Appointment and Letter of Wishes appointing Mr. Kay as his executor. After severing his friendship with Mr. Berezovsky, Mr. Patarkatsishvili professed he did not know whom he could trust any longer.

It is fear of disclosure of the confidences Mr. Patarkatsishvili shared with Mr. Zeltser that lies beneath Mr. Berezovsky orchestrating the false arrest of Mr. Zeltser in Belarus. Messrs Kay's and Zeltser's surfacing after Mr. Patarkatsishvili's tragic early death with Mr. Patarkatsishvili's secretly executed Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes posed an untenable political and financial threat to Mr. Berezovsky, a fallen and disgraced Russian oligarch who with his lose of the power he once yielded under President Boris Yeltsin, as Paul Klebnikov's Godfather of the Kremlin, has been discarded by the leadership in the west. Mr. Zeltser's false arrest and incarceration is Berezovsky's revenge against his perceived betrayal by his former friend and business partner,Mr. Patarkatsishvili.

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беларусачка, 22:32, 22.06

Brian K. Doan, 15:31, 22.06
That it is possible to tell, the revenge is a weakness which the person shows other people when it something is afraid, is offended. But this last of the lowest that the person can make my opinion, murder. Money and authority - excessive desire to have these two components, deprive with the person of reason, normally to live, work and remain the normal person not doing with someone very badly. Berezovsky cannot find to itself a shelter and it has found certainly it in Belarus at Lukashenko. And last also is glad to help because itself is full of dark spots.

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беларусачка, 22:33, 22.06

Трымайцеся Зельцер, з вамі праўда, з вамі Гасподзь!

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Brian K. Doan, 4:57, 23.06

In retaliation against Inna Gudavadze and members of her family for issuing a press release disavowing that she or any members of her family had cooperated with Boris Berezovsky or have any intent of cooperating with him in the future, Berezovsky issued a statement to the press alleging that Ms. Gudavadze's statement was issued under a life threat by "top Russian officials and members of the FBS" against her and her family if she maintained ties with Berezovsky. Berezovsky further alleged that if she disclosed the threat to anyone, she would place her life and the lives of her family at risk.

If there is any truth to it, by his disclosure of threats allegedly made against Ms. Gudavadze and her family if she disclosed those threat to anyone, Berezovsky has placed her life and the life of her family in jeopardy.

This is more of the same revenge Berezovsky has been engaged in against his former business partner, Badri Patarkatsishvili and his heirs, colleagues and friends for what Berezovsky perceives to be a betrayal by Patarkatsishvili for Patarkatsishvili's rapprochement with Putin and for Patarkatsishvili's undaunted loyalty and support of Andrei Lugovoy, who not without significance is attributed with facilitating Patarkatsishvili's reuniting with Putin.

It is for the same vengeful reason that Berezovksy flew Emanuel Zeltser to Belarus against his free will on his private jet. Zeltser served as Patarkatsishvili's U.S. attorney for 14 years. He confided in Zeltser. He executed a secret Durable Power of Attorney and a Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes, appointing Joseph Kay as executor of his estate. After Patarkatsishvili's death, it was only logical that Kay retain Zeltser to represent him in matters related to his executorship of Patarkatsishvili's. Fearing Zeltser's disclosure of confidence Patarkatsishvili shared with him, Berezovsky orchestrated the unlawful arrest and incarceration of Zeltser.

Zeltser's secretary, Vladlena Funk, was arrested and incarcerated along with Zeltser. She is a Russian citizen who has no family to speak of and no apparent support from the Russian Foreign Office to plead for her release. Berezovsky has no remorse for embroiling Funk, an innocent victim of circumstance, in his obsession to exact revenge against Zeltser, a trusted confidant of Patarkatsishvili. That book costs young Paul Klebnikov his life. He was riddled with bullets outside of Forbes Magazine's Moscow Office, where he served as Forbes Moscow Bureau Chief.

By all accounts, Emanuel Zeltser will not survive long enough to attend his trial. His fate, as with Klebnikov's, has been sealed by Berezovsky.

As with the media sensationalism Berezovsky and his for-hire KGB/FSB disinformation specialists generated during the investigation into Litvinenko's death, when Berezovsky accused the Kremlin of a state sponsored act of terrorism authorized by Putin and carried out by Lugovoy, Berezovsky is returning to the same theme with the same cast of characters, absent, of course, the polonium 210 cocktail Lugovoy was falsely accused of serving Alexander Litvinenko during Happy Hour at the very public Pine Bar at the Millennium Hotel in the bustling Mayfair District of London. Berezovsky alludes to Ms. Gudavadze's meeting with top officials, which he wants us to believe are Kremlin officials, and with members of the FSB who are alleged to have threatened her life and the life of her family if she maintains ties with Berezovsky. He throws Lugovoy in there but fails to mention in what capacity Lugovoy has reemerged.

Lest anyone forget, in her first press interview after Badri's death in February 2007, Ms. Gudavadze stated that Berezovsky was not her friend and that she did not welcome him playing a role in Georgia politics or in Imedi. She wanted him out of Georgia and out of her life and her family's life. Her statement disavowing a friendship or an association with Berezovsky long preceded her meeting with top Russian officials and members of the FSB.

No doubt this face saving endeavor of Berezovsky was prompted by more of the same personal humiliation through increasing public awareness that his former business partner had reunited with Putin and had rose to the defense of Lugovoy, a personal affront to Berezovsky of unimaginable proportions. He is ever the Machiavellian Mobster Paul Klebnikov depicted him to be in his book, Godfather of the Kremlin: Boris Berezovsky and the Looting of Russia.

It is for the same vengeful reason that Berezovksy flew Emanuel Zeltser to Belarus against his free will on his private jet. Zeltser served as Patarkatsishvili's U.S. attorney for 14 years. He confided in Zeltser. He executed a secret Durable Power of Attorney and a Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes, appointing Joseph Kay as executor of his estate. After Patarkatsishvili's death, it was only logical that Kay retain Zeltser to represent him in matters related to his executorship of Patarkatsishvili's. Fearing Zeltser's disclosure of confidence Patarkatsishvili shared with him, Berezovsky orchestrated the unlawful arrest and incarceration of Zeltser.

Zeltser's secretary, Vladlena Funk, was arrested and incarcerated along with Zeltser. She is a Russian citizen who has no family to speak of and no apparent support from the Russian Foreign Office to plead for her release. Berezovsky has no remorse for embroiling Funk, an innocent victim of circumstance, in his obsession to exact revenge against Zeltser, a trusted confidant of Patarkatsishvili. That book costs young Paul Klebnikov his life. He was riddled with bullets outside of Forbes Magazine's Moscow Office, where he served as Forbes Moscow Bureau Chief.

By all accounts, Emanuel Zeltser will not survive long enough to attend his trial. His fate, as with Klebnikov's, has been sealed by Berezovsky.

A copy of Berezovsky's press release is included. It demonstrates the madness that has engulfed him since the realization that Patarkat sishvili reunited with Putin and befriended Lugovoy. No less than Lugovoy, Zeltser is a victim Berezovsky's revenge.

A revenge that Berezovsky wants the leadership of the western to know is being aided and abetted by President Alexandre Lukashenko and Prosecutor General Gregiory Vasilevich. It is an attempt to gain reaffirmation of the power he once held. Belarus is among the few despotic nations on planet earth that would allow him to live out his fantasy that he is not a fallen ,disgraced. oligarch

2008-06-21 18:35
Boris Berezovsky Releases Statement in Response of Patarkatsishvili’s Widow Inna Gudavadze

Russian businessman Boris
Berezovsky has released a statement in response of the statement made by Badri Patarkatsishvili’ widow Inna Gudavadze on June 19. InterpressNews offers this statement exclusively without changes:
‘On June 19, 2008 Inna Gudavadze issued a statement on behalf of the family of Badri Patarkatsishvili which stated they had no ties with Boris Berezovsky.
In this regard, I state the following:
1. The lives of Badri Patarkatsishvili's family members are in danger
2. Whatever public statements, concerning me, Ms. Gudavadze makes
they are a consequence of the threats made to her and to her family by the Georgian authorities and Russian special services for the purpose of appropriation of the property belonging to Badri Patarkatsishvili's family and to me. In order to achieve this, the Georgian government has conspired with a
band of crooks, which includes J. Kay, E. Zeltser and others, while the Russian special services are using Mr. A. Lugovoi, who is suspected in the UK in the murder of Mr. A. Litvinenko.
I have at my disposal the evidence necessary to defend in court my legal property rights, including the rights in TV & Radio Company "Imedi", and the rights obtained through partnership with Salford Capital Partners Inc. and participation in ZAO Metalloinvest Holding.
Mrs I. Gudavadze’s statement is not unexpected. It is a direct continuation of the conversation I had with her on April 20, 2008 in London.
Below are the main points of the written witness statement regarding that meeting given by me to my lawyer on April 21, 2008:
‘On Sunday 20 April 2008, I met with Inna Gudavadze and a man who was introduced to me as Mark Hoff at the Lanesborough Hotel in London...
Ms Gudavadze told me that she had recently visited Russia because she had been told that officials in Russia had information about US$1 billion in cash that Mr Patarkatsishvili had apparently kept in the Netherlands. She had gone to Russia, to Moscow, to obtain more information about that money and to make a deal...
Ms Gudavadze said that the story was completely different, that there was no money and that all the talks about the money had simply been used as a trick to get her to visit Russia. She told me that during her visit to Russia, she had met with ‘very, very important top level people’ although she did not tell me who they were...
- According to Ms Gudavadze, the people she met in Russia knew about the agreement between Ms Gudavadze and me and the purpose of the meeting had been to inform her that if she had any links with me, she would lose everything, not just her assets. She told me that her life and the lives of the members of her family were under threat...
-Ms Gudavadze told me that because of the threats that had been made, she wanted to terminate the agreement between her family and me...
- I then asked her if I understood correctly that she was under threat. She replied that I was protected (I assume she was referring to the fact that I have asylum in the United Kingdom) but that she is not protected at all and that she was worried not just about losing assets but also for her life and the lives of her family members. She told me that she was also under pressure from the Georgian government who had told her that if she had a connection with me she could lose everything. It was clear to me that she wanted to terminate our agreement because of the threats that had been made. She told me that she would be in difficulty if she confirmed these threats’, the statement released by Berezovsky reads.
As previously reported, on June 19 the press service of Badri Patarkatsishvili’s widow Inna Gudavadze released a statement regarding information spread recently on joint interests of Boris Berezovsky and Patarkatsishvili’s family.
In her statement Inna Gudavadze once again reiterated that Badri Patarkatsishvili’s family has no political, economical or business connections with Boris Berezovsky any more.

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Svolka, 10:39, 23.06

беларусачка, 22:33, 22.06
Трымайцеся Зельцер, з вамі праўда, з вамі Гасподзь!
Причем тут бог ваще??
Какая правда у адвоката?
Тут и ежу понятно что родственики рвут состояние покойника, а он помогает одной из сторон за большие деньги и плевать и на вас беларусачак

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Reshetnikov M, 11:39, 23.06

Zalojnik fashistskogo belaruskogo rejima !!!

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беларусачка, 11:16, 24.06

to Brian K. Doan, 4:57, 23.06

Berezovsky as the person not absolutely taken place (I do not mean money and in general any condition, in fact not the condition improves the person, and the person a condition), aims like a duck to water and searches for supports and finds it not at those people. It is started up in all heavy or because it has no place to disappear or it is simple to it boringly to live, and "entertainments" of rich people at times too surprise. To it to understand itself and to not spoil a life to other people, to not incur the greater responsibility than can take.

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беларусачка, 13:02, 24.06

Svolka, 10:39, 23.06
Причем тут бог ваще??
Какая правда у адвоката?
Трэба ўважліва чытаць што іншамоўны чалавек піша, тады і пытанняў не будзе!

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Nikola Nidvora, 16:26, 27.06

"Mr. Patarkatsishvili called upon Mr. Zeltser to secretly executed a Durable Power on 14 November 2006"

С одной стороны, куча свидетелей утверждают, что 14 ноября Бадри не встречался с Зельцером.
Но с другой стороны, все эти свидетели могли быть куплены Березовским. И вполне возможно, что они откажутся от своих показаний под давлением улик.
Кроме того, возможно, что встреча произошла в 3 часа утра, когда все уже спали.

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