11 May 2024, Saturday, 1:46
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7 November – the Day of Commemoration of the Communism victims

7 November – the Day of Commemoration of the Communism victims

The organizational committee for the creation of the party Belarusian Christian Democracy (BChD) calls for 7 November to be recognized as the Day of Commemoration of the Communism victims.

Vitali Rymasheuski told BelaPAN about that. According to him, “the communist revolution that happened on 7 November 1917 set a begging to annihilation of millions of innocent  all around the world”.

“The Communist regime that occupied Belarus consequently annihilated the Belarusian nation. The elites were annihilated, common people were annihilated. Hundreds thousands innocent people were killed in Soviet concentration camps, shot in forests all over Belarus. More than a million Belarusians were sent to concentration camps in the North of the USSR. The Communist government consequently applied the politics of annihilation of Belarusian culture and Belarusian language”, - Rymasheuski stated.

He pointed out that according to the scales of the repression and the consequences for Belarus, the Communist regime in USSR “can be only compared to the Nazi regime”.

In the BChD’s appeal it is stated that “the incumbent authorities are continuing the policy of the Soviet government”. “The Soviet holiday keep being celebrated, the personalities of Lenin and Stalin – true hangmen of the Belarusian nation - are set as role models. The celebration of 7 November by the Republic of Belarus as a state holiday is a real mockery at the memory of the millions of victims, the memory of Belarus’ national heroes”, - the document states.

BChD calls for “all the sympathetic people of Belarus, all the democratic Belarusian organizations to support the initiative to recognize 7 November as a Commemoration Day of the genocide of the Belarusian nation by the Communist regime”.

“We call for not joining the official celebration on that day, to commemorate the victims of Communism, disseminate the information about the crimes of the USSR government in Belarus”, - the appeal reads.

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