5 May 2024, Sunday, 5:24
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Charter 97!

Belarusian partisan

Another mini-film from the series “Chronicles of the judgment time” was posted on the internet.

This time the short movie is about the leader of the youth organization Zmena Pavel Vinagradau, the web-site of the human rights group Viasna reports.

After the events of 19 December 2010 Pavel Vinagradau was arrested in the night on 5 January 2011. In the activist’s absence there was a search in his house until 5 a.m. later Vinagradau was accused of organizing and participating in mass disturbances according to the parts 1 and 2 of article 293 of the Criminal Code of Belarus.

On 5 May 2011 Pavel was sentenced to 4 years in prison. For serving the term he was transferred to the colony in Ivatseviochy known under the name “Wolves holes”.

On 14 September he was released according to a pardon decree, sign by the current head of state.

He is now actively participating in political activities as the head of the youth organization Zmena which he created.

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