7 May 2024, Tuesday, 4:16
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Mikalai Dziadok: We Can Help Zhamchuzhny By Protest Pickets At Colony

Mikalai Dziadok: We Can Help Zhamchuzhny By Protest Pickets At Colony

It is necessary to spread information about the political prisoner.

Former political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok has told Radio Racyja why political prisoner Mikhail Zhamchuzhny is pressured in the Horki colony and what it could lead to.

As Charter97.org reported earlier, from the beginning of August 2017, the administration of the colony No. 9 in Gorki, where political prisoner Mikhail Zhamchuzhny serves his sentence, has been punishing him for refusing to move to a detachment formed of prisoners with "low status." The political prisoner is constantly punished for this by the punitive confinement or placing in a ward-type room.

– It's hard to predict the end of this confrontation. Everything will depend on Zhamchuzhny’s moral stamina. I think either the administration will move backward and decide to transfer him to another detachment (which is unlikely), or he will stay in the punitive confinement until the end of the term, or they will be transferred from there on the prison regime, – Mikalai Dziadok says.

– Why does the administration put this pressure on Zhamchuzhny, what is it up to?

– I think it's obvious what they press him for. For the fact that Mikhail Zhamchuzhny is a "political" prisoner.

– How can he be helped in this situation?

– We can help him by the dissemination of information and protests at the colony. And also it is necessary to exert pressure (as far as possible) on the colony staff. Complaints are unlikely to help here.

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