11 May 2024, Saturday, 6:39
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Uladzimir Vialichkin: ‘Lead Watch’ Causes Nervous Reaction

Uladzimir Vialichkin: ‘Lead Watch’ Causes Nervous Reaction

The activists have frozen the frauds related to the construction of the battery plant near Brest.

Participant of the “Lead Watch” Maryja Halalyuk has prepared an appeal to the Investigatory Committee in Brest. She got a brain trauma as a result of the attack committed by an unknown man, Radio Racyja reports.

On August 14, the opponents of the battery plant construction were on the planned duty. Brest human rights defender Uladzimir Vialichkin has told the following:

- The “Lead Watch” has frozen the frauds which the staff of the battery plant could commit. That is why we are now witnessing their nervous reaction, when some curly-haired man attacked Maryja Halalyuk. Nothing surprising, actually.

A group in the “Lead Watch” Telegram channel reports that the attacker’s name is Aliaksandr, he works at the “Belpromimpex” company.

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