10 May 2024, Friday, 16:10
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Acting Investigatory Committee Officer Called To Try Karayeu, Addressed To Law-Enforcers

Acting Investigatory Committee Officer Called To Try Karayeu, Addressed To Law-Enforcers

Ihar Loban joined the protesters in Hrodna.

Officer of the Investigatory Committee of Belarus Ihar Loban posted on his Instagram a message in which he condemned the use of force against people, and also called the Minister of the Interior Yury Karayeu “a man without conscience and honor”.

He noted that Karayeu's statement about “puppeteers and color revolutions” is perceived as commonplace and does not cause anything but irritation. He also called the minister’s attempts to justify violence and inhumanity by protecting the constitutional order as childish babble.

Loban named the article of the Criminal Code of Belarus, which, in his opinion, was violated by the minister - Article 128 “Crimes against the security of mankind”, which provides for punishment up to the death penalty for illegal detention, kidnapping, torture and acts of cruelty.

Here is Ihar Loban's appeal to the Minister of Internal Affairs Yury Karayeu:

“Dear (not respectable) Minister of Internal Affairs Yury Karayeu! By yesterday's knee jerk reaction on ONT in the style of “it’s your own fault,” you have finally established yourself in my eyes as a man without conscience and honor. The clichés about puppeteers and color revolutions are perceived as commonplace and cause nothing but irritation. Attempts to justify violence and inhumanity by defending the constitutional order are just child's babble. Torture, beatings, shots in the back of unarmed people fleeing - is this what you call the protection of the constitutional order? Threats to rape a girl in a police van, or a truncheon in the anus of a detainee - is this the protection of the constitutional order? There is no excuse for this. You have given carte blanche to your subordinates and must be held accountable along with them. I understand that the Criminal Code is not your reference book, but I highly recommend reading Article 128. Keep your dignity - resign... P.s. And not a word on the current situation from the Prosecutor General and the Chairman of the Investigatory Committee. However, there’s nothing new about it,” the officer wrote.

Посмотреть эту публикацию в Instagram

Уважаемый (НЕТ) министр внутренних дел Караев Ю.Х.! Вчерашним своим высером на ОНТ в стиле "сами виноваты" вы окончательно утвердились в моих глазах как человек без совести и чести. Клише о кукловодах и цветных революциях воспринимаются обыденно и не вызывают ничего кроме раздражения. Попытки оправдать насилие и бесчеловечность защитой конституционного строя - просто детский лепет. Пытки, избиения, выстрелы в спину убегающим безоружным людям - это для вас защита конституционного строя? Угрозы пустить девушку по кругу в автозаке или ПР в заднем проходе задержанного - это защита конституционного строя? Этому нет оправдания. Вы дали карт-бланш своим подчиненным и наряду с ними должны нести ответственность. Понимаю, что Уголовный кодекс - не ваша настольная книга, но со ст. 128 настоятельно рекомендую ознакомиться. Сохраните остатки достоинства - подайте в отставку... P.s. И ни слова по сложившейся ситуации от Генерального прокурора и Председателя СК. Впрочем - ничего нового.

Публикация от Игорь Лобан (@igor_loban)

Today Ihar Loban joined the protest action in Hrodna, and appealed to the security forces.

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