18 сакавiка 2025, aўторак, 8:43
Сім сім,
Хартыя 97!
Каментары 5
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nik_k, 15:08, 11.08

Normalnii takoi shpion! Tolko s trapa samoleta spustilsa, da i ukrast escho nichego ne uspel..... Tak mojno lubogo kto iz-za bugra priehal na 3 goda posadit.

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Reshetnikov M V, 15:27, 11.08

Kommercheskiy shpionaj i podlojnie dokumenti v fashistskoy Belarusi !! Teatr abssurda! No kajdiy igraet svou tragicheskuu rol do konca ! Kogda-nibud pridet konec i Belaruskomu Fashizmu !!!

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Richard, 17:24, 11.08

Dear Charter 97,

Are you also smelling the decay of Democracy in Belarus as do the citizens of the free world? It is a massive ever growing strong stench of a countries constitution rotting from within the kangaroo courts of Belarus.

Be aware Lukashenka, you now tread upon Emanuel as once did a man named Pontius Pilate.


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Brian K. Doan , 19:21, 11.08

No one of sound mind can possible believe Emanuel Zeltser and his secretary, Vladlena Funk. boarded Boris Berezovsky's private jet to lay claim to Badri Patarkatsishvili's Belarusian assets. Berezovsky had issued public statements after public statements, accusing Joseph Kay and Zeltser of fabricating the estate documents appointing Kay as Patarkatsishvili's executor. Michele Duncan, Berezovsky's attorney, was unsuccessful in her attempts to file criminal charges against Kay and Zeltser in the UK. Scotland Yard dismissed their allegations as baseless.

Berezovsky, who is claiming up to 50% of the assets of Patarkatsishvili's $12 billion estate, resorted to his last remaining ally in the former Soviet Republic, Alexandre Lukashenko, to prevent Zeltser for disclosing confidences shared with Zeltser by Patarkatsishvili that if disclosed would open a Pandora's Box on Berezovsky's criminal past and threaten his asylum status in the UK. It is widely suspected that when Patarkatsishvili assigned Zeltser, his U.S. attorney of fourteen years, to execute a Durable Power of Attorney relinquishing control of his vast fortune to Kay on 14 November 2006, just thirteen days after Alexander Litvinenko ingested the fatal dose of polonium 210, that he disclosed to Zeltser the basis upon which he based his conviction of Andrei Lugovoy's innocence in the death of Litvinenko. Patarkatsishvili is alleged to have conveyed to Zeltser his distrust of those who surrounded them, stating that he did not know whom he could trust anymore, a clear indication he was referring to none other than Berezovsky.

One year to the day later on 14 November 2007, Patarkatsishvili again turned to Zeltser to execute a Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes, allegedly appointing Kay as the executor of his estate, an estate Berezovsky alleges includes all of his assets that he entrusted to Patarkatsishvili to manage on his behalf at Patarkatsishvili's discretion. No paper trail is believed to have been maintained. At the time, Georgian officials had seized control of Patarkatsishvili's assets and had issued a extradition request for his return to Georgia from the UK. The tension between Berezovsky and Patarkatsishvili was rife over the seizure of what Berezovsky claimed was their commingled assets, assets the Georgian treasury freed only after Patarkatsishvili's death. The last meeting Patarkatsishvili held on the day of his death was a private meeting with Berezovsky at his Mayfair office, during which Patarkatsishvili is alleged to have complained of heart and chest pains. He asked Berezovsky for heart medication. Whether Berezovsky gave him the heart medication and whether the heart medication was counter-indicated with Patarkatsishvili's heart condition remains an unknown to this day.

What is not an unknown is that to the consternation of Berezovsky his theretofore trusted friend and business partner, Patarkatsishvili, had reunited with President Vladimir Putin, Berezovsky's arch enemy, in early 2006. Patarkatsishvili's rapprochement with Putin is said to have been conditional upon Patarkatsishvili's agreement to oversee assets Berezovsky acquired through rigged buyouts of state owned properties during his reign as the Godfather of the Kremlin under the late President Boris Yeltsin.

No coincidence that Lugovoy would be identified by Berezovsky and his entourage of has-been, for-hire, KGB FSB disinformation specialists as Litvinenko's assassin and there is no coincidence that Zeltser would be accused by Berezovsky of fabricating Patarkatsishvili's estate documents. It fits Berezovsky's modus operandi to a tee. Stripes on this Tiger have not changed. Zeltser's arrest, conviction and incarceration in a Belarusian penal colony will forever bar Zeltser from disclosing the truth behind Berezovsky's private rendition of him in Belarus.

Prayerfully, Zeltser's family will file a claim against Berezovsky and his cohort in crime, Lukashenko, with the European Court of Human Rights where it most assuredly belongs. Zeltser's arrest, conviction and incarceration is an egregious crime that cannot be allowed to stand.

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Brian K. Doan , 19:21, 11.08

No one of sound mind can possible believe Emanuel Zeltser and his secretary, Vladlena Funk. boarded Boris Berezovsky's private jet to lay claim to Badri Patarkatsishvili's Belarusian assets. Berezovsky had issued public statements after public statements, accusing Joseph Kay and Zeltser of fabricating the estate documents appointing Kay as Patarkatsishvili's executor. Michele Duncan, Berezovsky's attorney, was unsuccessful in her attempts to file criminal charges against Kay and Zeltser in the UK. Scotland Yard dismissed their allegations as baseless.

Berezovsky, who is claiming up to 50% of the assets of Patarkatsishvili's $12 billion estate, resorted to his last remaining ally in the former Soviet Republic, Alexandre Lukashenko, to prevent Zeltser for disclosing confidences shared with Zeltser by Patarkatsishvili that if disclosed would open a Pandora's Box on Berezovsky's criminal past and threaten his asylum status in the UK. It is widely suspected that when Patarkatsishvili assigned Zeltser, his U.S. attorney of fourteen years, to execute a Durable Power of Attorney relinquishing control of his vast fortune to Kay on 14 November 2006, just thirteen days after Alexander Litvinenko ingested the fatal dose of polonium 210, that he disclosed to Zeltser the basis upon which he based his conviction of Andrei Lugovoy's innocence in the death of Litvinenko. Patarkatsishvili is alleged to have conveyed to Zeltser his distrust of those who surrounded them, stating that he did not know whom he could trust anymore, a clear indication he was referring to none other than Berezovsky.

One year to the day later on 14 November 2007, Patarkatsishvili again turned to Zeltser to execute a Deed of Appointment and Letter of Wishes, allegedly appointing Kay as the executor of his estate, an estate Berezovsky alleges includes all of his assets that he entrusted to Patarkatsishvili to manage on his behalf at Patarkatsishvili's discretion. No paper trail is believed to have been maintained. At the time, Georgian officials had seized control of Patarkatsishvili's assets and had issued a extradition request for his return to Georgia from the UK. The tension between Berezovsky and Patarkatsishvili was rife over the seizure of what Berezovsky claimed was their commingled assets, assets the Georgian treasury freed only after Patarkatsishvili's death. The last meeting Patarkatsishvili held on the day of his death was a private meeting with Berezovsky at his Mayfair office, during which Patarkatsishvili is alleged to have complained of heart and chest pains. He asked Berezovsky for heart medication. Whether Berezovsky gave him the heart medication and whether the heart medication was counter-indicated with Patarkatsishvili's heart condition remains an unknown to this day.

What is not an unknown is that to the consternation of Berezovsky his theretofore trusted friend and business partner, Patarkatsishvili, had reunited with President Vladimir Putin, Berezovsky's arch enemy, in early 2006. Patarkatsishvili's rapprochement with Putin is said to have been conditional upon Patarkatsishvili's agreement to oversee assets Berezovsky acquired through rigged buyouts of state owned properties during his reign as the Godfather of the Kremlin under the late President Boris Yeltsin.

No coincidence that Lugovoy would be identified by Berezovsky and his entourage of has-been, for-hire, KGB FSB disinformation specialists as Litvinenko's assassin and there is no coincidence that Zeltser would be accused by Berezovsky of fabricating Patarkatsishvili's estate documents. It fits Berezovsky's modus operandi to a tee. Stripes on this Tiger have not changed. Zeltser's arrest, conviction and incarceration in a Belarusian penal colony will forever bar Zeltser from disclosing the truth behind Berezovsky's private rendition of him in Belarus.

Prayerfully, Zeltser's family will file a claim against Berezovsky and his cohort in crime, Lukashenko, with the European Court of Human Rights where it most assuredly belongs. Zeltser's arrest, conviction and incarceration is an egregious crime that cannot be allowed to stand.

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