Belarus to sell Russian Iskander to Iran and Syria?
2- 19.11.2007, 12:20
Deploying missile launchers Iskander in Belarus could be just an intermediate stage for selling armaments to Middle East, believes the military expert of Novaya Gazeta Pavel Feldengauer.
Давай сюда "эскан-до-новой-эры" !!!
ReplyМы их толкнем по сходной цене, есть у меня тут один араб знакомый !!!
Свое уже продали давно !!! Эх прибыль то была !!!
Короче нии голову, а давай сюда ракету !!!
The perfect America democracy runned by probably the smallest minority in America, the Jewery, politically, economically, militarily and through the Press has encircled Russia with US and their European satellites basis. They are now harvesting what they have sawed. Wake up Russia and shaw to these hypocrits how great you are.