28 March 2025, Friday, 6:57
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Charter 97!

From Prison to Prosecutor’s Office for Interrogation

Today young activists detained for 10 days for participation in a protest rally of market vendors on January 21 are released from the detention center in Akrestsin Street in Minsk.

As told by Radio Svaboda, an activist of the campaign “Initiative” Andrei Kim, who served a 10-days term for participation in the protest rally of entrepreneurs on January 21, right after from prison in Akrestsin Street was taken to the prosecutor’s office of Tsentralny district of Minsk for interrogation.

He is interrogated in a criminal case under Article 364 of the Criminal Code “Threats or acts of violence against policemen”.

The young activists that have been already released are: Franak Vyachorka, Yuras Stankevich, Katsyaryna Halitskaya, Katsyaryna Krasnova and Liudmila Atakulava, Uladzimir Syarheeu and Andrei Prasnyak.

Several entrepreneurs including Artur Pitsko, Syarhei Shautsou, Viktar Kukrysh, Uladzimir Nyapomnyashchy and an activist of the campaign “Jeans for Freedom” Paval Kuryanovich and an activist of the Young Front Zmitser Fedaruk remain in prison.

Yesterday Interior Minister Navumau stated that up to 50 persons can be brought to justice for the protest rally in Minsk on January 10. On January 21 Minister Navumau personally commanded disbanding of people gathered on Independence Square in Minsk in order to give their demands to Prime Minister Sidorsky.

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