23 December 2024, Monday, 21:56
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Today is 37th Day of Belarusian Solidarity


Today marks three years since rallies of solidarity with families of abducted and repressed activists of Belarusian opposition started. Today solidarity rallies are to be held by tradition in Minsk and many cities of Belarus by activists of youth organisations “Jeans for Freedom”, “Young Front”, “Young Belarus”, oppositional political parties.

Comments 1
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andrjey kaszewski, 18:07, 22.10

Witam,klaniam sie!
Bialorusi polskiego pochdzenie, kto mieszka w Smolevichi Zhodino I okolicach I zadae byci razem -
uczestniczyc w rozwiazywanny wspolnych pytann I problem, zwiansky polskego na Bialorusi,
a takze tym komy nieobojetnie przyszlosc Bialorusi , proszy zglosic sie na kontakt.
Tel.801776 53489dom lub 80292711477kom.
Andrzej Kaszewski

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